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No.13609489 ViewReplyOriginalReport
The hashtags that brought Black scientists together
>Online communities forged last year sparked collaborations and conversations about diversity and equity in academic research.
Virginia Gewin
>Virginia Gewin is a freelance writer in Portland, Oregon. thousand five hundred eighty six - zero twenty one - zero two thousand two hundred twenty-three - zero
Black researchers in dozens of scientific fields took to social media in 2020 to find, connect with and promote one another using hashtags such as #BlackinCancer, #BlackinPhysics, #BlackBotanists or #BlackinSTEM.

With each field of research taking centre stage for its own week of social-media events, the results challenged institutions to take meaningful steps to recruit more people of colour, and create a more welcoming academic environment to retain them.

These online initiatives were in response to racial unrest sparked by the murder of George Floyd, an unarmed Black man, by police officer Derek Chauvin in Minneapolis, Minnesota. On 25 May 2020, the day that Floyd was murdered, a white woman made a false accusation of assault against Christian Cooper, a Black birdwatcher in New York City’s Central Park. What began with #BlackBirders week evolved into a succession of 20 #BlackinSTEM weeks that ran until December. They brought together global communities of Black scientists who plan to continue annual social-media events, and have even formed non-profit organizations dedicated to the task.

As the second year of such events gets under way, Nature interviewed five researchers who organized and took part in the #BlackinSTEM weeks. They discuss the impacts and rewards, including career opportunities, collaborations and meaningful institutional actions.
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(673 replies)

/sfg/ - Spaceflight General: Hayley Arceneaux edition

No.13608989 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Relationship with Samantha Cristoforetti ended. Hayley Arceneaux is my spacefu now.
Countdown: Inspiration4 Mission To Space episodes 1&2 are out on Netflix

Previous >>13605912
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Gentlemen, I have solved the mystery of universal expansion

No.13608291 ViewReplyOriginalReport
We know that black holes consume spacetime.
So where does it go? Some have theorized the existence of "white" holes which would eject matter and spacetime.

I propose to you that spacetime lost to black holes is constantly redistributed evenly throughout the universe leading to the perception of expansion.
In reality the universe is just being emptied out as matter is concentrated in within black holes, but spacetime is recycled.
As black holes become more massive and numerous, the flow of spacetime into them increases, speeding up the emptying process. This is why it seems like the universe is expanding ever faster.
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(42 replies)
No.13610255 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Yes, the climate change may be real. No, we do not intend to reduce our energy consumption. You need to find realistic alternative energy sources, or stop bitching about climate. Want to reduce pollution? You need to invent better energy for the electric cars. Few hundred miles and then charging many hours in not an option

We do not reduce our energy consumption or stop travelling with private automobiles. End of debate.
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No.13611996 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How do we fix the public's waning trust in our institutions?
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No.13610376 ViewReplyOriginalReport
/sci/ why are the health experts all such hideously deformed unhealthy looking freaks? is being disgusting looking some sort of prerequisite for advancement in the field?
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No.13611783 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is matter continuous or discrete?
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No.13591473 ViewReplyOriginalReport
2021, in the year of our lord, we don't even have the capability to replicate what our predecessors did 50 years ago. These bureaucrats have to step out of the way instead of condemning this generation to another 50 years of playing in LEO.

This is honestly depressing. Lobbyists and politicians play these midwits to consume their mandated talking points while profiting off the decline.

Nuclear energy bad, renewables or bust. While committing to unrealistic climate change goals. Guess what China is doing?

They're hollowing out our institutions, warhawks are squandering treasure in pointless wars, outsourcing critical manufacturing and supplies, creating internal divisions to get votes and weaponizing science by selectively believing things that helps them politically while ignoring science when it's inconvenient.

Are we living in a decline? Is this what the romans felt when the empire was crumbling down? This sucks.
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(55 replies)
No.13604409 ViewReplyOriginalReport
if i select two numbers between 1 and 100 at random, what are the chances that their sum will be greater than 30?
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No.13612457 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is the universe expanding into? Is there just endless empty 3D space in every direction that galaxies and clusters eventually reaches sometime after the Big Bang? And if it is infinite in extent in all directions then would that mean the matter can be finite but the length width and depth are infinite?
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