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No.13611598 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm trying to find an analytic solution to this integral and so far wolframalpha and even maple has failed me. I was wondering if you guys could find an analytic solution, it's stumped me for a day now.

? 0 to pi/2 sin^2(x) *ln(sin^2(tan x)) dx
(133 replies)
No.13604953 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Does a circle have zero vertices?
Or does it have infinitely many vertices?
128 posts and 13 images omitted
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No.13610275 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can anyone explain in simple terms what a linear mixed model is?

I've got a dataset of different brand drugs and the amount in the blood.

Some of the samples have been repeated, like 2-10 times out of several hundred samples for each drug brand.

I'm thinking this isn't appropriate because the outcome aren't normally distributed

some statisticians at Imperial have suggested it may be suitable
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No.13612061 ViewReplyOriginalReport
You can't justify determinism with respect to math or physics because it's independent of justification.
1 post omitted
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No.13612743 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Math chads, how can I learn maths in 1-2 years? Right now I'm a brainlet, but I'm going into economics so I need some maths skills. Where should I start and what books should I get?
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No.13613445 ViewReplyOriginalReport
i am dumb and my school background is very bad, can someone explain to me what 1/cm or 1/s means?
We are learning about electromagnetic waves and i have no fucking idea how i even say it if i have "500 1/cm" or "500000 1/s" frequency.
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No.13613732 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I have noticed while verbalising words very very slowly I can notice two channels of thought at once. Like I can hear myself thinking as I think about something else. Did I just unlock another core of my internal CPU?
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No.13613488 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I made a Dual N-Back website (My first Open-Source Project), I used to practice this memory game with old websites, software, or some mobile apps, however I decided to create a newer and cleaner interface (Mobile Responsive).




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No.13611900 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why are there no studies in the use of acetylene as a mucolytic agent? do you have any anedoctal evidences about its use?
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your favourite pathogenic microorganisms

No.13613669 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>bacteria: Staphylococcus aureus is the best, but P. aeruginosa is very beautiful and "voluptuous". Rickettsia are cute. Clostridium tetani is a chad
>viruses: Flaviviridae, Retroviridae and Bunyavirales are really good. HCV is my favourite though
>fungi: Cryptococcus neoformans, Aspergillus Flavus. C. immitis is good even if I don't like dimorphism.
>protists: Naegleria Fowleri, Toxoplasma gondii. Leishmania donovani would be really nice but she is an asshole and kills dogs.
>worms: I don't respect them at all. all disgusting. Onchocerca volvulus and Dracunculus are funny at least

Overall favourite: all Aspergillus. Otitis, keratitis, pneumonia, encephalitis. these moldy chads got the whole package and are ready to make the local immunocompromised cuck seethe. Cherry on the cake: their toxins, all of them.