Threads by latest replies - Page 2732

(18 replies)
No.13606920 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Lots of progress in the cold fusion (aka Low Energy Nuclear Reactions) field. What was once fantasy is now scientific fact. I hope you guys are paying attention.

Coherent Matter Travelling Wave Beams - Part 1

Coherent Matter Travelling Wave Beams - Part 2
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(13 replies)
No.13614552 ViewReplyOriginalReport
> SUNNY model is an electric three-wheeler perfectly designed and engineered for urban areas. Without counting the batteries and just by using solar energy, which is a renewable and natural source of power, the car gives you a range up to 50 km.

what do you think ?
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(10 replies)

Calc 1

No.13612379 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Does anyone have some interesting calc 1 problems? I just finished a Calc 1 course and now want to put my knowledge to work.
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(10 replies)
No.13612030 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>We dont even know the physics of strange matter formation and stability because the math for it doesn't exist
>but we're fine with potentially producing it in labs
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(10 replies)
No.13610634 ViewReplyOriginalReport
does your university offer accommodation for phd students?
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(21 replies)
No.13609307 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Has anyone here come to STEM from the humanities? Anyone done two degrees?

I have a first-class (4.0 GPA) undergraduate degree in Philosophy, and am considering pursuing a second undergraduate degree in Mathematics.
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(5 replies)
No.13614654 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What do you think about Grounding / Earthing for health and the body?
(21 replies)

Operating System for smart people

No.13614174 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What operating systems do /sci/entists use?
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(41 replies)
No.13610683 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Does energy really exist as a thing or is it just a useful number for describing motion?
36 posts and 2 images omitted