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Anonymous (18 replies)
>Speaking on his studies of steatopygia in Khoisan women, Charles Darwin stated "the posterior part of the body projects in a most wonderful manner"
Was Darwin a degenerate fat fetishist?
>>13611147 >Speaking on his studies of steatopygia steatopygia is a primitive trait of africans and to a lesser extent, west eurasians
fun fact, people can smell steatopygia across a sea of grass.
Aryan men like Mal'ta Boy basically lived right next door to China, but somehow decided to trek 10,000 miles and invade europe instead.
>>13614583 >fun fact, people can smell steatopygia across a sea of grass. What is that even supposed to mean?
>>13614597 It means that Siberian men would rather walk 10,000 miles to get some PAWG pussy, than invade their flat-assed flat-titted next door neighbors in Manchuria.
>>13614616 You cannot earnestly think that people can smell anything from 10k miles away, so what are you really trying to suggest?
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>>13614652 sex is our 6th sense. We can sense fertility across great distances.
Anonymous (5 replies)
Are there any problems in maths that could be resolved like "puzzles", by this I mean some kind of problems or something which takes a long time to complete doing various tasks but you don't actually have to know much to know how to do them, just learn some basic problem solving of that type? , I dunno If I'm explaining myself
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>>13615120 basically just things like hunting primes
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Get gud at brogramming and rub out a fast af solver for your choice of like a hundred boardgames. Ie; >sudoku, but 4*4, 9*9, 16*16... big*big >Akari, but specifically for all locations making sense >given a list of Tetris blocks, can you survive using all of them? >minesweeper, but also specifically for all locations making sense >and many more Aka, P=NP problem.
Anonymous (21 replies)
>young people have the highest risk to the vaccine especially males
>young people on a per profile case basis have close to a 0% virtual risk in death from them being infected with covid if they do get infected.
What exactly is the risk vs reward for a 30 year old healthy male to get a mRNA coronavirus jab?
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>>13614792 debunked. vaccines do not protect against infection, only bad symptoms.
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>>13614843 those are pretty insane side effects for a vaccine.
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>>13614917 mom, I said the 4chan line! Come quick!
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>>13614460 Still less likely to have lasting negative effects (long-lasting side effects, hospitalisation, death) from the vaccine than from the virus.
Maybe more likely to suffer short term after the vaccine due to side effects that from the virus.
Of course catching the virus and being unlucky enough to have a serious case is still a natural case of bad luck while getting the vaccination is a decision so it seems to work in favour of the natural infection. However this also means you make the conscious decision against further lowering your risk in case of infection.
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>>13614494 The card is so easy to fake it's hilarious
Anonymous (17 replies)
I tried to buy the dip and put in an order on regular coinbase for $500
It completes and says we will update you when your order completes
Never get an email or any kind of confirmation. Now I have no idea if I'm gonna get billed for this shit
I bought at a great price and now it's back up already. There's no way these faggots are gonna honor the price THEY quoted me
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>>13613627 >cryptocurrency fucks scamming people Noooo you don't say....
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>>13613660 /sci/ is just an sfw variety board now. mods need to just delete the whole board at this point.
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>>13613627 not business or finance
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You better not be using the basic site, and using pro/gdax instead.
Anonymous (5 replies)
Modernity bros? Did we get too cocky?
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is cohen's d circumcised?
Anonymous (14 replies)
Okay so... Let's see if I can get this into words.
In this moment, in this very planck of time or perhaps some other strange division even "beyond" the planck (I do not formally know quantum mechanics at a yet and I'm only on the cusps of the beginning of special relativity roght now at best), I am the only conscous thing. Everything else is unconscious.
In the next moment, another thing is conscious (if its living) or becomes "highlighted" in some other sense. This process continues more or less infinitely.
I also highly doubt I'm right, but let me beleive it anwmyway /sci/ please for fucks sake at least allow me something to abate lt existent- I-I mean, yes, I am the only conscious thing "right now" t-then someone else will be conscious and when I die, it won't matter because.. t-the energy and matter and HOW THE FUCK DO YOU THINK ABOUT NATURE LOGICALLY AND STILL REMAIN SANE?
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>>13614976 Just because you can post anything, it doesn't mean that you should anon.
Part of being an adult means that you have judgement and good sense. On a science forum you should try to engage people in a meaningful discussion that has a wider relevance (which my original comment does as it is something I experienc only when I think about physics and I'm not the only one).
Making posts about how much you dont like my thread when you can choose which thread you want to view may mean a lot to you, but it means literally nothing to me.
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>>13614899 Congrats kiddo.
Wait until you realize there being some 'grand purpose to it all' is a flawed and illogical concept.
>>13614930 You said creativity interferes with our understanding of reality. That doesn't make sense. In ordee to interpret things, we must create models and refine them, and to create we need creativity otherwise thst is impossible. Literally.
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>>13615018 i meant lack of creativity, my bad
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>>13614973 Civilizations goes through three stages of object classification
>is this necessary? >is this useful? >would this make me happy?
Anonymous (5 replies)
How does one scientifically increase style and grace?
Anonymous (9 replies)
What's the deal with RISUG? Why hasn't it been released worldwide?
>10+ years contraception
>Reversible any time
>No sex drive decrease
>97.3% effectiveness
>Literally nothing
What the fuck, bros?
>>13610451 >97% effectiveness Into the trash it goes. Imagine risking 3% (every year btw.) that your bitch gets pregnant.
>>13610451 >blocking the vas differens Enjoy your testicular cancer
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>>13611740 >every year btw kek
>>13610491 this.
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>>13612437 supposedly, it just blocks the sperm, not semen as a whole
sperm just gets reabsorbed
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>>13611740 You'd need nearly 20 years to even have a CHANCE at a CHANCE of getting her pregnant if this were true, and it sounds like it's more to do with if it works on YOU generally rather than if its effectice on a particcular..
Anonymous (37 replies)
Well, as it turns out, those "ivermectin overdoses" cases and "gunshot victims" not being given treatment? Completely false.
>>13604818 >listen to the hospital admin goy, they are the authority in this thing >but don't listen to the government! Anonymous
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>>13612085 Only the most fringe of anti-vaxxers claim that the US is falsifying actual data(while you could also find leftists claiming that Florida was faking numbers back when it had low cases).
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>>13609742 He failed out of a PhD program at a state university and then got accepted into an Ivy League school. He hasn't been a listed author in a paper in 13 years. He lied about how well he knew Carl Sagan.
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"scientists" will lie about anything
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>>13609279 It doesn't depend on the journalist, but on his puppet masters
Anonymous (7 replies)
Where the fuck does this guy get his ideas? What's he reading?
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>>13612678 CTO of based INC
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>>13612678 Sean Evans from Hot Ones
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>>13612678 That's the Primitive Technology guy, hasn't made a new video in a hot while though.