Threads by latest replies - Page 2726

(43 replies)


No.13604605 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is popsci a force for good? Does the scientific community in any way shape or form benefit from its existence?

Would you delete all pop-sci from the surface of the planet had you the chance to do it?


From what i have seen its only purpose is fabricating pseuds who think they are smart when in reality they only memorized a bunch of useless trivia.
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(12 replies)


No.13615182 ViewReplyOriginalReport
That is its actual scientific name. I get that it's based off the country so no I am not racist for saying the name how I think it's pronounced.
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(35 replies)
No.13609140 ViewReplyOriginalReport
flooding the female market via bag babies, deflating their SMV....
ectogenesis...think about it. being able to mass produce babies from one sperm sample and then just 'aborting' the male bag babies. creating 100s of female babies to every 1 male baby.
Millionaires creating back alley counterfeit femoids. Food for thought.

>inb4 clone army
I don't mean clones. I mean normal offspring generation but outside of the womb
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(24 replies)
No.13612755 ViewReplyOriginalReport
why don't they just engineer a super easily transmissible + 0% lethality coronavirus, turn off mutating capabilities and release it on the world as a global vaccine?
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Aerospace Engineering

No.13615460 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I am a 21 year old about to be medically discharged from my country’s armed forces for injuries sustained in combat. I was a helicopter mechanic, and crew chief during my service. I am fascinated with aircraft, and after working at a machine shop on the civilian side, realized I wanted to pursue Aerospace Engineering. I have a few questions for those of you who have experience in this field or fields that may relate.

What is the smartest way to get this degree? I can do it for free but the question is do I go full time? Part time? Co-Op? I have the option to get an associates in aircraft maintenance technology as well as my A&P license before even going to school aerospace engineering. What is your opinion on the field? Is it a waste of time? Did any of you work in it? What took you by surprise? Did any of you working in the field find yourself satisfied with the work you were doing?
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(65 replies)
No.13611213 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
how the fuck does multiplying two negative numbers get a positive number?

you can't have negative apples. And you can't multiply those negative apples by more negative apples.
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(9 replies)
No.13614271 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How do I stop "reading" numbers in my head in terms of words while calculating? I think it's slowing me down significantly but I'm so used to it at this point and I never bothered fixing it
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(9 replies)
No.13614110 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Are kids from left testicle more intelligent than kids from right testicle? How do we test this?
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