Threads by latest replies - Page 2721

(21 replies)
No.13615104 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How do we fix science education in this country?
America, I mean.
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Average Colombian IQ?

No.13618349 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I read that Colombia’s IQ was 84 in one study and 89 in another. What’s the true mean IQ here? If the mean really did increase what do you think caused it?
(5 replies)
No.13618446 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>nanomaterials on the swabs used to vaccinate unsuspecting victims
>graphene oxide
>covid doesn't exist
>the vaccine causes miscarriages and will make everyone sterile

The schizos are making me, an anti mRNA vaxxer, want to take the mRNA vaxx.
(118 replies)
No.13597575 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
113 posts and 13 images omitted
(29 replies)
No.13610077 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>have a master's
>barely understand Statistics because the professor who taught my class assumed we already knew everything
>took us until 3 weeks into the semester even before getting ANY actual practice anything to work on
>given 5 minutes then told to "work faster"
What are some critical failings you have from getting stuck in shitty programs? Fuck, going to my graduate school was one of the worst mistakes of my life.
24 posts and 3 images omitted
(14 replies)
No.13618003 ViewReplyOriginalReport
So lets say a 16 year old male developed insomnia due to depression from lack of sex with girls and comparing himself to his Chad slayer older brother. Let's say this 16 year old slept no more than 3 hours a night until he was 18 and started smoking weed to cope with the insomnia. Scientifically speaking, what would the long term physiological repercussions of those sleepless years be?
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(24 replies)
No.13617611 ViewReplyOriginalReport
This one simple trick can solve every single issue on western civilizations. All of our problems come from poor people breeding too much.

What scientific technologies can ensure, in a non draconian and reversible way, that people on welfare are unable to have more than 1 child? Vasectomy is reversible for men, so there is one option.
19 posts and 1 image omitted
(7 replies)
No.13618079 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How do I know for certain that I'm really typing this right now on the 4channel, and not drooling in some asylum, imagining it all
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No.13618030 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why did I need to dissect a frog in high school again?
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