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Anonymous (38 replies)
Before I ask this girl out, I want to know if shes an npc or not so as to not waste my time.
The best I have is asking if shes ever bought a lottery ticket.
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>>13616935 There are certain statistical formula used in HFT in the stock market that can be applied to the lottery. If it’s above a certain payout the risk/reward ratio actually becomes positive in an investment sense. Last time I checked it was around 500 million.
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>>13616943 >The moon. What's up with the moon?
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>>13616943 >The moon what about it?
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>>13616935 Best way to test for an npc is to ply their reasoning, or lack there of. Ask her a basic abstract question like ''what is your lot in life". If all she does is give you a listicle of milestones accomplished and pending, she's an npc. On the other hand, if she can question the many possibilities her future may hold, -- for the better, or worst -- then perhaps consideration can be made.
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>>13616935 You’re headed for inceldom. Ask her out and ask her what she likes and see what you have in common. Don’t expect 100% compatibility.
Anonymous (292 replies)
>man collects hundreds of millions to fund research to cure aging
>gets MeToo'd
>entire field of longevity science goes belly up
Femoids are seriously The Great Filter
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>>13616890 Yes. Women don't matter. They can all die an excruciating death for all I care if that means I can get to live forever and any cunt standing in the way of Aubrey's work must be hanged, drawn and quarters.
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>>13616890 Yes. Women don't matter. They can all die an excruciating death for all I care if that means I can get to live forever and any cunt standing in the way of Aubrey's work must be hanged, drawn and quartered.
>>13607745 >>13608014 Read Unabomber's Manifesto
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>>13617457 The unabomber was gay
Luddites are always to be ignored
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>>13616754 Why are you even in this thread?
Anonymous (8 replies)
What are the scientifically proven methods for making a friend?
James Pennebaker did analysis of text messages and they found that they could predict which couples would become a couple (better than the couples themselves who I guess were surveyed before the experiment) based on the similarity of their texting style. He cautions that this is only symptomatic and that mimicking your beloved's texting style won't magically get you in
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>>13619620 >>13619627 >Article from the Dailymail Would it kill you fish not to bite the bait?
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There's a stark difference between jail and prison. It's dumb as hell, but this will disappear quickly.
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>>13619613 say you like their taste in music
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>>13619630 Couples that lust for one another will coalesce over time. In a relationship, if their desire strong enough and enduring, their personalities will unit to appease the other in mimicry. Understanding in union. Problem is, when such a relationship is annulled, you cannot simply bifurcate your individuation from the other. It becomes ingrained. Each failed long-term relationship robs you of your person; your true essence, withered away.
Perhaps this, in part, is why so many lament their others departure as much as they do. Not just for the lust and affection dispossessed.
Anonymous (64 replies)
Where does sci stand on the debate?
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>>13617813 >You attempt to interpret groundbreaking medical studies yet you can't even describe mitosis. lol yep
>>13617843 Midwit cope is thinking that people smart enough to develop and understand vaccines don't want to take them
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>>13617965 >recucklishits >niggers what the fuck are you? it sounds like you're just some anti white jew or mud trying to appropriate racist 4chan culture to fit in, it's incredibly fake.
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>>13618007 >>13618014 yeah but the victim of this was white, if this happened to a black we would have months more of nigger riots
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So can anyone explain to me why people tend to feel worse with the 2nd booster shot, yet feel nothing in the first? What changed and why would a booster shot cause them to feel worse?
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>>13618405 No we don't. We want people who are objectively wrong with the wrong politics to kindly fuck off. Politics is objective after all. The people who destroyed the west should not have a voice. They should become corpses like what the Taliban did. Sad you aren't one of them.
Anonymous (180 replies)
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>>13604699 4th? I thought we are supposed to be on our 5th now
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>>13604699 >before COVID is eradicated As many as it took us to eradicate influenza
>>13608308 that's fresh coming from a qtard like you.
pot. kettle. selfish fuck.
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>>13618774 >Qtard Is Q the new boogeyman? Is this how vaxxers cope?
Anonymous (20 replies)
Hello. I am new to this board. Please direct me to some research/studies about how the phases of the moon affect human behavior. Surely this has been tested many times. Also, how do I find research on my own in the future without making a thread? Are there any websites or publications that you would recommend?
>>13617552 >t. science denier Your mother's hormone levels are your immediate environment when you're in the womb, and the seasons clearly affect that. Seethe and cope.
>>13617586 >>t. science denier Your words are powerless. If you really think there's some good research on the moon and sun affecting people's behavior, post it instead of arguing like a retard.
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>>13617603 I don't know if there's any research. I'm telling you there's a perfectly plausible mechanism for the position of the sun to affect your gene expression and determine aspects of your personality, and it'd be a very interesting subject for a study.
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>>13617586 >what is stochastic switching >what are Strong-Ergodicity Breaking Systems >What is Vitamin D synthesization >What is circadian rhythm and Photoperiodism >What are Melanocytes Anonymous
Anonymous (16 replies)
What is the main system of measurement in Myanmar? Why won't they tell us? What do they know that we don't?
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>>13617863 >us improves imperial >redefines it using metric so it's as scientific as astronomy units >everyone else is too ashamed of their own math skills to switch to it Anonymous
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>>13617777 actually he was writing in hexadecimal. In base 10 his message would have been:
No. Metric-18 would be the most convenient. Metric-16 sucks donkey genitals.
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>What a waste of digits
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>>13617863 yes because it is different from british imperial
Anonymous (27 replies)
>computer science
is it a science? no
so then why call it computer science?
computerology would be a more fitting name
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>>13612099 Maths.Is it a 0.99999....=1-logy would be a more fitting name
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>>13614241 It depends on the parts we're talking about. I think computer science is more an outgrowth of the math and electrical engineering departments, and it shows in many of its subfields. If you look at a lot of seminal papers in CS, like Random Walks on Electrical Networks, you can feel both the pure math precision and the EE systems influence in equal effect.
Special mention to physics as well, since the use case for many top of the line computational results has been in physics
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>>13612154 lain sucks asss
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>>13617780 In about 50 years when computers are even more mundane, when algorithms are a more publicly acknowledged technology that can be hardware-aware but is not about jockeying up basic instructions, and when it takes more than a passing understanding of CS to call yourself an engineer, I think computer science will be accepted as yet another rigorous mathematics / engineering pursuit where most of the low hanging fruit has been picked and the problems are both intellectually interesting and practically useful
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>>13612210 That game is bad
Anonymous (5 replies)
Ok before you call me retarded, read the whole thing first, then you can tell me why i’m retarded. I’ve been doing a lot of reading on black holes recently and one of the interesting things I found was that black holes weren’t actually mass density, they were energy density, mass is just the best source for that. That’s why Krugelblitz black holes work, they’re a place where energy got so dense it got a event horizon. So could you make a black hole primarily out of rotational energy? Like spin a microscopic piece of, idk, neutron Star junk near the speed of light and get enough energy density to make a black hole. Since rotational energy apposes gravitational energy could you theoretically make a event horizon that goes in the opposite direction, where nothing can enter bit everything can leave, a white hole?
This isn’t me thinking that I can rewrite physics, i’m just a Anon on 4chan, just wonder what people smarter than I am have to say.
Anonymous (15 replies)
When I was in middle school, we were shown a lengthy presentation on the holocaust.
I secretly sympathized with National Socialism at the time, so I was already rather indifferent to the Jewish plight.
The presentation was trying too hard to be dramatic with the music and transitions, and I burst out laughing in front of the class. My teacher gave me an evil eye and my classmates gasped.
What could have been causing this, scientifically speaking?
>>13618169 I can see a group of black teenagers howling during a holocaust movie.
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>>13618026 I was indifferent towards everything and everyone throughout public school until I started suddenly hating the world I live in, so I'm a bit different. When it comes to the holocaust I never gave a shit about it one way or the other. It's not like Jews are fucking angels, the Germans had tangible reasons to be angry at them. Secondly I just want them to stop shoving it down my throat. It's insufferable listening to these faggots whine about genocide and war. These things are inherent in humanity. Stop fucking crying and leave me the fuck alone.
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>>13618231 And you would be right. Blacks unironically love Hitler.
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>>13618026 I thought the sentimentalism was trite and annoying. Didn't care about the politics, just despised teachers and media trying to arouse emotions in me.