Threads by latest replies - Page 2718

(38 replies)

Idiot test

No.13616935 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Before I ask this girl out, I want to know if shes an npc or not so as to not waste my time.
The best I have is asking if shes ever bought a lottery ticket.
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(292 replies)
No.13573698 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>man collects hundreds of millions to fund research to cure aging
>gets MeToo'd
>entire field of longevity science goes belly up

Femoids are seriously The Great Filter
287 posts and 21 images omitted
(8 replies)
No.13619613 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What are the scientifically proven methods for making a friend?
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(64 replies)
No.13617374 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Where does sci stand on the debate?
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(180 replies)

It’s time for your 4th shot

No.13604699 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
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(20 replies)
No.13616648 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello. I am new to this board. Please direct me to some research/studies about how the phases of the moon affect human behavior. Surely this has been tested many times. Also, how do I find research on my own in the future without making a thread? Are there any websites or publications that you would recommend?
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(16 replies)
No.13617152 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is the main system of measurement in Myanmar? Why won't they tell us? What do they know that we don't?
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(27 replies)
No.13612099 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>computer science
is it a science? no
so then why call it computer science?
computerology would be a more fitting name
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(5 replies)

Black/white holes

No.13619625 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Ok before you call me retarded, read the whole thing first, then you can tell me why i’m retarded. I’ve been doing a lot of reading on black holes recently and one of the interesting things I found was that black holes weren’t actually mass density, they were energy density, mass is just the best source for that. That’s why Krugelblitz black holes work, they’re a place where energy got so dense it got a event horizon. So could you make a black hole primarily out of rotational energy? Like spin a microscopic piece of, idk, neutron Star junk near the speed of light and get enough energy density to make a black hole. Since rotational energy apposes gravitational energy could you theoretically make a event horizon that goes in the opposite direction, where nothing can enter bit everything can leave, a white hole?

This isn’t me thinking that I can rewrite physics, i’m just a Anon on 4chan, just wonder what people smarter than I am have to say.
(15 replies)

Am I a psychopath?

No.13618026 ViewReplyOriginalReport
When I was in middle school, we were shown a lengthy presentation on the holocaust.

I secretly sympathized with National Socialism at the time, so I was already rather indifferent to the Jewish plight.

The presentation was trying too hard to be dramatic with the music and transitions, and I burst out laughing in front of the class. My teacher gave me an evil eye and my classmates gasped.

What could have been causing this, scientifically speaking?
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