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Fed data collection thread

No.13620522 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I want to get an idea of what computer hardware and software people generally use in their fields. Also what aspects of that hardware matter to them.
> what is your field
> what computer do you use in your field
> is the computer hardware enough for that field
> what aspect of that hardware is most important for the field(CPU/GPU/RAM)
> What software do you use
> are you satisfied with the hardware you have when it comes to just your work(no video games)
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No.13619085 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Say you have a circle and a square, each with an identical area A.

If you cut each shape into arbitrarily small strips, then lined them up end to end, would the length of the lines be identical?
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No.13620247 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Have we reached the point of diminishing returns with regards to usefulness of science?

AGI is the territory of computational science. So is quantum computing. The only other field I can foresee as being practically useful is materials engineering.
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simulation theory

No.13620068 ViewReplyOriginalReport
hello, my fellow /sci/chopaths.

we live in a simulation.

the pentagon has confirmed ufos which spawn into the simulator and unspawn, while grossly violating the laws of physics.

kyle odom has confirmed telepathic beings who manipulated reality, including the possession of his pastor and the projected image of a reptilian into his mind's eye.

there are also accounts of passenger airliners spawning in the sky at regular intervals.

disprove this.
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No.13620177 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How long until we can give ourselves gorilla musculature and the qualities that make them gorillas? I wish to be a gorilla.
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No.13620230 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How do I make this work in Excel?
Want to put 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 at the E column
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what causes musical talent?

No.13608187 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What causes musical talent in people? Basically, what gives them the genes to play/write/perform music well?
85 posts and 4 images omitted
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No.13619901 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How come innocuous looking equations with small numbers can have solutions that are retardedly huge?