Threads by latest replies - Page 2712

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No.13621895 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>he's afraid of artificial wombs because it would allow lgbtqwerty to reproduce
>meanwhile i can't wait to start my own private lineage without women around
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how this is possible?

No.13620930 ViewReplyOriginalReport
back in the day i thought this pandemic causing an immediate random stroke on people, what happened that the virus was so weakened, or behaving completely different after the initial outbreak? [Embed] [Embed]
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(86 replies)

Are there any medical differences between races?

No.13618561 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Why do Asians have dry earwax? Why aren’t blacks hairy? Why are whites more susceptible to skin cancer? Who do some medicines work differently for different races? I don’t have a Pepe saved so here’s my hand.
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No.13617080 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Are the gut bacteria controlling me right now?
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No.13618068 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I know EVERYTHING about elliptic curves, AMA.
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No.13616217 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I continually seethe about a research assistant position I was offered but was unable to accept due to a grant requiring the position be filled by an underrepresented minority or first person in their family to go to college.
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No.13619099 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Scientifically speaking, what is the cause behind womens sudden desire for "dad bods"?
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No.13621591 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Technology that finally allows people to have almost full control of their brains/minds. intelligence is no longer a death sentence defined by your genes neither is your mental illness. how would we ruin and abuse this technology?

also suppose that for whatever reason AI is not a thing yet for the sake of the scenario.
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No.13618414 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why do Germans love war so much?

This isn't a butthurt thread, I'm genuinely interested. Maybe there are deeper reasons.

I heard Prussia has something to do with it and that Germany is an artificial construct where states were subjugated by the military and forced to be German.
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