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Why do grains of sand have small gravity field and when added the field grows?

No.13621442 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What's the explanation for this?

A grain of sand has a small gravitational field but when many grains are together the field is bigger and stronger.

So the fields are added? What's the engeneering behind this?
(15 replies)
No.13620222 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can we create water?
If so, how would you do it?
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(39 replies)
No.13621193 ViewReplyOriginalReport
why are fat people so inferior
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No.13619139 ViewReplyOriginalReport
oh shit here we go again
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Gravity explained here

No.13621543 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Invisible particles are spinning around objects with mass and the rotation of these particles cause an effect of hurricane that pushes close objets in direction to the origin of the rotation.

The attraction is just an illusion, what happens is that things are being repelled in direction to the center.

When you get close to it you are sucked by the hurricane of gravitons.

Space-time is bullshit
(11 replies)
No.13620960 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I want to become a scientist. I'm in 3rd year pout of 5 in my studies. What steps should I make to become one? should I just wait now and try to publish my master's thesis later? When should I try to actually publish something? for now my plan is to just go for PhD after masters.
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Science sources online

No.13622113 ViewReplyOriginalReport
So I tend to use sci hub or libgen if I want to read something for free. But what do you do if you can't find it on these sites? Do you just bite the bullet and buy it?

I have been looking for Organic Reactions Volume 59 (700+ pages expensive book), but they only have different volumes in libgen. If you search the doi 10.1002/0471264180.or059.01 on scihub you only get the beginning of the book. Can you manipulate the doi to search for the rest of the book? I've tried the obvious and changed the last '1' for 2 but it didn't help.
(6 replies)
No.13621389 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How do I synchronize my circadian clock with the International Atomic Time?
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No.13621470 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Scientifically speaking, is he correct?
53 posts and 4 images omitted
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No.13616144 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Would /sci/ ever want to visit the Hadal Zone?
7 posts omitted