Threads by latest replies - Page 2707

(6 replies)
No.13622675 ViewReplyOriginalReport
we just like to confuse eurotards who can't into human-reference measurement systems.
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(33 replies)
No.13622360 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is porn really bad for you? What about jerking off to your imagination, or just pure sensation? How often should it be done if at all?
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(23 replies)

Excess Chest/Body Hair and Evolution

No.13617164 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What are the implications of excess body hair in humans. Are they lesser evolved humans since they are closer to monke? Discuss.
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(6 replies)
No.13622102 ViewReplyOriginalReport
what makes colours be base ones, that is what gives them the ability to produce any other colour when mixed
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(83 replies)

Ivermectin got me thinking

No.13605467 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Is it common for people to have undiagnosed parasites? I know out sanitation is good and all, but considering we’re ingesting dirty stuff day in and day out and we NEVER EVER take active measures to remove possible parasites, it seems like too much to hope for that we haven’t caught one or two kinds. Is my calculation off here?
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(7 replies)
No.13623108 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Nature's design has many imperfections and the human body is no exception, if you were given the chance to improve our species what would you do differently? What would you take away? What would you add? What would you improve?
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(37 replies)
No.13614602 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How does someone as dumb as this guy get some interesting guests?
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No.13621693 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>citations only to my own papers
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(112 replies)

wife is an NPC - what do?

No.13621675 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
My wife is breastfeeding and she wants to get the vaccine because of muh government pressure. Is there any scientific data that might suggest that would be a bad idea? I keep reading about how spike proteins do shed and some people report getting some subtle flu symptoms from being around the vaccinated. Is there any non-shizo base for this in reality?

Generally speaking, when it comes to pregnancy and breastfeeding, the rule of thumb is: no crazy experiments. Some doctors advise against any type of vaccine during pregnancy, but it seems this doesn't apply as much for breastfeeding.

Also where in the world has the vax stopped being accepted as protection and you still need a test? Seems to be a thing on some eu borders now lol.
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(27 replies)

Vaccine Regret

No.13619853 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Anyone else regret taking the vaccine?

I read a study recently saying that those with PHDs were most likely to oppose taking it. It makes sense the more arguments I read about it on here.

Well anyway, i absolutely won't be getting another "booster" shot.

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