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Ivermectine = No one needs to get vaccinated anymore

No.13624766 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Imagine getting vaccinated twice to just find out a bit later that you also could just use a single dose of Ivermectin to threat covid.

Is this the reason why vaxxed people are so salty about Ivermectine?
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No.13624756 ViewReplyOriginalReport
sorry the notation is bad but given image I here, and line AB,CD,or EFG or just name any one line in the image

how to infer their length, position, angle, direction, curvature, so that the line DRAWN will represent a "proportionate" image of said 3d object? in a way so AB is correct against CD and against EFG and vice versa, thus representing I based on object O

so far i only know by using projection matrix against the object's xyz position to gain its screen coordinate, which means notating its entire polygon/NURBS coordinates, but i could be wrong and they maybe so please share as much as you know(and maybe also the aplication.
(30 replies)
No.13622068 ViewReplyOriginalReport
My electrodynamics teacher just told us that the US caused 9-11 and showed us a scientific paper published that proves that the towers were demolished with explosives because Afghanistan was ruled by a post-Soviet regime (he showed us pictures of girls in mini skirt from Kabul in 1972 and told us it was almost democratic and gave women higher education) but they blamed the 9-11 on Osama Bin Laden because they had trained him to fight the Soviet Union, and showed us a quote from Putin saying that you should not intervene in another countries, and told us that many newspapers blame Russia from the electricity being more expensive in our country.

Scientifically speaking, can it be proven if the towers fell because of a plane or an explosion?
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(153 replies)
No.13612693 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
This faggot is never going to get us to Mars is he
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No.13624198 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>tell my students I need to go early to pick up my kid from daycare
>actually, I don't have a kid and just go home and watch anime
(89 replies)
No.13612431 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Arabian kings provide you $1 trillion to turn this place luscious green forever.
How do you do it?
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(19 replies)

The definition of Pi

No.13619999 ViewReplyOriginalReport
My AI generated this definition of the constant of Pi. It sounds truly poetic. However, do you see any meaning behind it?
"The proof method correlates to the reign of lions. The face of a lion projected onto a knife to find the triangle was inscribed on the knife by Zodiac! 1625 A famous mathematician conjectured that if one thing could be found to agree, then another thing had to be found for it to be false. If we make the assumption that mathematics is true, then Aristotle believes "The axioms which we simply assert, have already been proved." because no other mathematicians need, pi is indeed it's root. For any measure of length and any number of sides, pi will have equal means and powers."
If you google this, you'll find my page.
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No.13623192 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Wtf... How?
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No.13624389 ViewReplyOriginalReport
explain entropy to me like I'm 5

pic somehow related
(32 replies)

PROOF that 1 = 0.999...

No.13623517 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>1/3 = 0.333...
>(1/3)*3 = 0.333... * 3
>1 = 0.999...
bang. i just broke math
27 posts and 9 images omitted