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No.13625981 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Curious on this chart thing. Can /sci/ confirm or deny this?

I've heard that many deadly viruses like that one in india aren't really a threat because it has trouble spreading, and I've also heard that a lot of pandemics of the past ended because the virus mutated into a non-threat.

However I also heard that viruses need to spread to be able to mutate, which is why its important to watch those deadly ones that dont spread easily to make sure it doesnt mutate into a variant a lot more transmissible but only slightly less deadly.
(11 replies)
No.13625863 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can you make a magnet that works on non metallic stufferino?
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No.13625865 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why are spicy things hot?
explain the science behind this witchcraft
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No.13624035 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey, so uh

sorry if this isn't the right place for it. funny question, anyways. You know, like, a few years ago a bunch of my friends all lost their teeth. I've never done meth. I've done mdma. I know there's a lot of tooth grinding.

So, like, everywhere I read says that the meth rots your teeth out. So is this exclusively meth produced by reduction of cold pills with hydroiodic acid and the other methods like ammonia/lithium or wallasch don't make you lose your teeth? Or is it actually bruxism?
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Craniofacial dystrophy and malocclusion

No.13623212 ViewReplyOriginalReport
The vast majority of cases are entirely driven by environmental factors and you can reverse improper development. The most important factors are oral posture, swallowing and chewing. Here are the sources:

>Jaws: The Story of a Hidden Epidemic.

>Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art.
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No.13623741 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is it true that the brain releases DMT upon your death?
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No.13625772 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Self-Funded PhD Students Only
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What is this??

No.13623241 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Are any geologists/ geology majors on right now? I live in an area with a lot of (aeolian) limestone dunes, and recently I’ve noticed a lot of these weird squiggly impressions within the rock face when on walks. What are they? Worm trail impressions, tree root fossils or something?
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No.13625822 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I have pins and needles in my feet, yet my medical history shows I have an a1c of 4.9 so it couldn't be diabetes, right, /sci/..? So then, what is happening to me?
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Should you take antipyretics when you don't feel that bad?

No.13613790 ViewReplyOriginalReport
So I was wondering, should you take a pill to reduce your body temperature (such as something containing paracetamol) when you have only mild fever (let's say < 39 °C), you can spend the whole day in your bed and it doesn't prevent you from sleeping? I know that fever accelerates immune response and temperatures bellow 40 °C aren't usually dangerous to your body.

Please note that if I needed medical advice, I wouldn't be asking here. I'm just intetested in this and not in need of medical help.
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