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No.13618835 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can we make the emission goals?
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Should I take Adderall?

No.13626163 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Years ago I was prescribed Adderall when I had a ton of mental issues and was struggling in life. Those days have passed, and I haven't taken it in years. My issues were caused by my diet, especially gluten.

But now I have another issue that I've only recently noticed, although it's been affecting me for awhile. It's basically the opposite of before: I can pretty easily motivate myself to do important things that matter. But now I can't seem to get motivated to just have fun in life.

I have a list of games and movies that I've been needing to get through, but I rarely do. The other day I did all of my necessary work and I had a completely free day, but I hardly did anything. I just lay there on my bed wondering what to do. I ended up going on a walk and then trying to find other random things to do like cleaning.

I have a list of like 60 movies I want to watch. Easy enough. Watch a movie each day, or even 1 per week. I started in 2017 and I'm still not done. As for video games, I can only play 1-2 games per year and that's it. I can't bring myself to just sit down and play that often.

Is it ADHD? But if so, why can I still do important things? Should I go back on Adderall? It's a low dose, only 10mg. And it's the instant release kind that lasts maybe 6 hours.

I've just heard negative things about it and the long-term effects it can cause. Unless I just took it a few times per week. I just don't know what to do but I have such a huge backlog of things that I haven't been getting through. The rate at which new movies and games are released is faster than I am consuming them, and so my list gets bigger each year.
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No.13599207 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Oops... it turns out Ivermctin is actually effective as a prophylaxis for people high risk for COVID infection.
A meta-study of 24 randomized controlled trials involving 3,406 participants showed:
"The findings indicate with moderate certainty that ivermectin treatment in COVID-19 provides a significant survival benefit. Our certainty of evidence judgment was consolidated by the results of trial sequential analyses, which show that the required IS has probably already been met. Low-certainty evidence on improvement and deterioration also support a likely clinical benefit of ivermectin. Low-certainty evidence suggests a significant effect in prophylaxis. Overall, the evidence also suggests that early use of ivermectin may reduce morbidity and mortality from COVID-19. This is based on (1) reductions in COVID-19 infections when ivermectin was used as prophylaxis, (2) the more favorable effect estimates for mild to moderate disease compared with severe disease for death due to any cause, and (3) on the evidence demonstrating reductions in deterioration."
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Why is /sci/ so mean?

No.13626378 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I thought scientists were kinder to colored children like me.
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No.13626297 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Well /his/, can you help Fauci?
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No.13626095 ViewReplyOriginalReport
should I get the J&J vaccine?

I'm scared of blood clots. i dont want to wake up dead 2 weeks later
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No.13625804 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Lookism chaps claim their opinions are backed up by science, is this true? redpill me so to speak.
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No.13626347 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I was BTFO'd by my creationist uncle because I never took the time to look at the best arguments they present.

I seriously doubt evolution is fake and gay but I'm more than willing to change my mind. What are some of the best ones you've heard and how do you debunk them?
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No.13623132 ViewReplyOriginalReport
This study says that on average the fatter a politician is, the more corrupt they are
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reverse anti-vaxxing;Getting additional vaccines

No.13626261 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I have a medical question;is it possible/safe/legal to get extra vaccine shots,that arent Required legally by one's own country or for travelling?how would one go about getting them? would the side-effects outweight the positives?
I just want to be sure I wont be killed by some random bug if i ever decide to travel to an exotic location,or more realistically for inmigrants to not-infect me.
So;how do I get all the shots?