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(6 replies)
No.13624385 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Do insect wings bernuli or are they just flappers?
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(29 replies)
No.13624572 ViewReplyOriginalReport
hi what are the mathemathics you can use to notate lines correctly in length, curvature, direction, andposition relative to other lines/elements of a 3d volume 'properties in 3d space so to create a proportionate and correct 2d image?

also pls help show the application in picrel

also other than projection matrix. basicaly placing final screen coordinates
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(5 replies)

do you think Knuth will manage to complete the series or will it be left unfinished?

No.13625317 ViewReplyOriginalReport
the planned volumes are
>Volume 4B – Combinatorial Algorithms
>Volume 5 – Syntactic Algorithms
>Volume 6 – The Theory of Context-Free Languages
>Volume 7 – Compiler Techniques
(5 replies)
No.13623825 ViewReplyOriginalReport
how to write up correct mathemathics required to assure correct proportion, length, curvature, direction/angle of the lines(red) required to form the correct image based on the object in particular angle?
(8 replies)

I don't get Math

No.13623328 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How? Why? How do you separate the different branches? It feels like there are two million of them and most seem to exist just for the sake of it, everything above basic artihmetic is absolutely bewildering to me. It's exhausting just looking at it, I search for notations and there are trillions of symbols all with weird as fuck names. It's like people purposely went out of the way to make it feel worthless and unbreachable. All of this despite the fact that there only 7 measurements to the International System of Units. Where the fuck am I meant to start???
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Cold Fusion in the Home Shop

No.13627027 ViewReplyOriginalReport
scientific apparatus could be (reasonably) built at home?
>Stern-Gerlach Apparatus?
Only requires a small oven, a vacuum tube, and a magnet, I think its pretty resonable to be able to get a magnet on the order of 1T
>X-Ray Diffraction & Spectroscopy
X-ray tubes can be found in old medical equipment

What else could be feasibly made in a garage-type setting? Say on a budget of 50-100K
(46 replies)
No.13623404 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Don't eat meat or diary!
According to world renowned director James Cameron the best course of action a single individual could take to tackle climate change is to not consume meat or dairy since it isn't essential for our species. And he also claims that it's the worst way to have sustainable agriculture.
So /sci/ how damaging is a bunch of cows and chickens doing to our planet?
Where is he getting this stuff?
41 posts and 2 images omitted
(151 replies)
No.13621718 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Normally most "mathematical discoveries" you make are already made.

I think I've actually found one but I have no idea what to do with it.

I have found a method to put a limit to infinitely large numbers. E.g. the limit of x as it goes to infinity for 2^x.

I'm obviously not going to convince you here that I can do this. I can generate it for most simple equations at this point.

I'll give you the limit for 2^x, that is, it's "chart" before it repeats itself on a greater infinitive manifold. It's -(4+log_e(5))(log_10(1/e)) or 2.436147931949026.

Again, I'm not going to convince you of the method that I used to get this number. I have to control that until I understand the implications of it. However you can use it as a special number to integrate other functions like Euler's constant e.

The most immediate applications of this would be to create an integral for the gamma function. Not sure what to do with that. Can anyone give me other equations to look at where this would be useful?
146 posts and 36 images omitted
(5 replies)
No.13624216 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is the purpose of move J4?
I'd rather play F4. Yeah J4 captures more space, but I can't see why it should go in that particular spot instead of 1, 2, or 3 to the left.
(11 replies)

Small skull/brain

No.13626568 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is the prognosis for something born with this defect?
Will they be worse off than someone mentally retarded?
6 posts omitted