Threads by latest replies - Page 2693

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No.13623551 ViewReplyOriginalReport
hello given supposed ppicture of 3d subject, what can you use to define correct proportion of an image, based on the lines (red),the space in between(yello) and curvatures/angle(blue)

wondering since an image sits upon realistic projection so would there be rule of "correctness"?

also if suggesting fennet frame pls show how it is used
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No.13627317 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How do I find the equation for the contour of f(x,y)=(3x^2)y+4x+2 that goes through the point (2,-8)?
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No.13627556 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is the significance of this number?
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No.13625472 ViewReplyOriginalReport
We all know communism doesn't work on macroscopic scale, but has anyone tried applying it on microorganisms?
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No.13617852 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
JWST launch confirmed by NASA for December 18, 2021

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You should be able to solve this

No.13623513 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How mathematically competent is /sci/?
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No.13625287 ViewReplyOriginalReport
We discuss more important subjects in calculus.
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Scientific Anomalies in Space and Recent Events

No.13623285 ViewReplyOriginalReport
There is something unknown in space and it is coming this way. This has been known to the world's governments for years and they are not at all "optimistic" because what is coming does not resemble any known natural body.
The only proof I can offer is this;
Think back to when the observatory was shut down in New Mexico by the FBI in 2018, and then later all over the world due to the pandemic, also remember pic related, put them together along with the hasty creation of space force by Trump, and the mad race by the super rich to get to space, the Moon, or Mars.

What are your thoughts /sci/?
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