Threads by latest replies - Page 2687

(11 replies)

what's with the recent surge of Christian fundamentalists on this board?

No.13629720 ViewReplyOriginalReport
This wasn't a thing when I used it 5 years ago.
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(14 replies)
No.13626177 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Wearing glasses makes you smarter
Some anon made a thread about this before, and here is (part of) the answer. Wearing glasses does indeed help students perform better in school.
9 posts and 1 image omitted
(30 replies)

Androgenetic alopecia/Patterned baldness

No.13623471 ViewReplyOriginalReport
The current theory is outdated, chronic scalp tension is what seems to trigger the disease development in people predisposed to it and who produce enough androgens.
25 posts and 7 images omitted
(5 replies)
No.13629108 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Barbara Oakley
what do you think about her works, teachings and her as a person?
(233 replies)
No.13612705 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
For all the shilling about the Asian IQ on /sci/ (which is only technically true for east-asians) i've never seen anyone here explain then why whites have been able to acomplish so much more technologically and scientifically than eas-asians, to the point where its not even a competition.
228 posts and 29 images omitted
(5 replies)
No.13629647 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Which kind of wave is best to scan the underground? Sound waves or electromagnetic waves? Or other kind of waves?
(9 replies)
No.13628136 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey friends. Just a reminder that immune escape and its knock-on effects will lead to a Black Death scale die-off and possibly a collapse of advanced industrial civilization. I love you all, be safe, and call your parents. The end is literally nigh.
4 posts and 1 image omitted
(25 replies)
No.13626092 ViewReplyOriginalReport
how does this just magically make you stronger?
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No.13627602 ViewReplyOriginalReport
why is it that science and engineering have been unable to develop a candy thats as delicious as fresh fruit?
(6 replies)
No.13629394 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Scientifically speaking why does eating broccoli calm me down and make me think clearer?
1 post omitted