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No.13629605 ViewReplyOriginalReport
from whatever angle I look at it computer science combined with a math minor seems to be the right answer
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Roles Of Men And Women

No.13627991 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What are the roles, or rather, how are men and women suppose to act? More specifically apart from genetic or biological traits that separate us and make us different; what goals are we suppose to have? I ask because I got to thinking (lmao). I can kind of imagine a way to live, or at least things that I'd like:
>being someone that others look to
Looking at these things, and comparing it to how I, like many of you, were raised, we were taught to believe that both men and women want these things, and that these "stereotypically male" roles are things that women want as well. This is compounded by the thought of putting myself in the "stereotypically female" role of staying home and taking care of the children. I cannot think of anything worse to do than to do that, that is:
>keeping everything at home in order and cleaned
>making food and doing all of the "bitch" work for everyone
>babysitting the children all day
That all sounds awful to me as a man and combined with how we're all brought up, it would therefore make sense to "share the load" with women and bring women into the fold of the socially constructed "male" roles...
But what if that's wrong? What if it isn't a social construct but rather the way in which I am biologically and mentally hardwired to live and are merely things that come naturally to me? What if those "male" roles is simply the natural state of living for a man like me? So I got to thinking again (again, lmao). What if all of those "female" roles are things that I hate because I'm not biologically geared to do those things?.......What if women are actually biologically geared to to those things?......What if women actually like doing those things because that is their natural state of living?

Of course there is the historical account, but is there any scientific accounts that support this line of thinking? "Is it right for me as a man to take charge and go forth, while women stay home and nurture the children?
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No.13627751 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why are variables reused?
We have plenty more alphabets to use
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what is time made of?

No.13628101 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
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emag weakening due to poles

No.13626975 ViewReplyOriginalReport
redill me: /x/ or legit?
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No.13628834 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How do physicists and engineers learn about differential forms?

I take it they don't learn about cotangent spaces, graded algebras, exterior bundles and such.

So what is the "physical" way they learn it?
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I am midwit

No.13624972 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I unironically feel depressed about it. Seeing how intelligent people are able to do something in no time and without any preparation while I have to study/research/prepare for certain amout of time is so fucking demoralizing you can't bealive it. They just can do something, what is required from them very fast and go elsewhere enjoy their life, while we, midwits, have to hard work because of our shitty brain.

Live is unfair bros
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UK's celebrated "fat doctor" confirms science: fat can NOT be controlled

No.13629361 ViewReplyOriginalReport
SCIENCE says: Fat people DO NOT CHOOSE to be fat
SCIENCE says: Nor can we DO SOMETHING to prevent us from getting sick.
SCIENCE says: There are numerous factors that control our weight. Very few of them are under our control.
SCIENCE says: ALSO, there is no evidence that losing weight reduces your incidence of illness.
SCIENCE says: We are NOT a "drain" on resources.

That's just science for ya. Some o that good ole science. You aren't a science denier, are you? Are you a science denier/antivaxxer?
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Surely /sci/ knows

No.13629899 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How much of my life is wasted on sexual drive? The shit I have done and seen to get myself off I can't even describe
it to you. I feel like it must have taken a psychological toll, you know 20 years of slamming myself to the most fucked up vile shit on earth every perversion plus the shit you can't find on the clearweb. I must be damaged. The complexity and intricacies of it all and the reality that there really are people as fucked up as me in the world it really sets on me hard that something is wrong here and especially with me.

Using science you can tell me how it is that I completely kill my sex drive off without cutting my balls off and I will do it no matter what it is so long as the dick doesn't fall off. It really is disgusting to think about I try not to but suddenly I am remembering things.