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ITT: We discuss how we reach mars

No.13627706 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How would /sci/ will go to mars in the most efficient and least time consuming way?
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No.13629194 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Using mRNA technology, will we now be able to develop new vaccines for various viruses at lightning fast speeds?
Will this mean the end of HIV?
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No.13629639 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Scientifically speaking, how hard is it to make bombs out of fertilizer? Any anons tried this?
7 posts and 1 image omitted
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No.13630256 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Do you ever do quick calculations in your head that turn out correct while you have no idea why or how you performed the needed operations?

And if I slow down I often arrive upon the wrong answer
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No.13623769 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How likely is it for humanity to lose control of strong AI?
47 posts and 6 images omitted
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No.13630317 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why do physicists claim that the standard model based on QFT and general relativity are the most accurate theories when they not only contradict eachother, but also have internal inconsistancies like bullshit infinities showing up everywhere in calculuations?
>But that happens classically aswell :(
Yes, but classical field theory and mechanics doesn't claim to be valid in the domains where problems show up, problems in QFT and general relativity show up in their supposed domain of application.
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The vaccinated brain makes the spike protein 24/7 until they die

No.13629164 ViewReplyOriginalReport
They can not be saved.
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No.13629843 ViewReplyOriginalReport
So that this isn't taken as a religion vs. science thread (fuck you, mods), can you tell me if there are any flaws, non-religious people point out in the theory? Two I've heard are these:

1. There's no proof macroevolution exists. You can't turn a fly into a human.
2. Out of place fossils.
21 posts and 1 image omitted