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No.13630198 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is this true /sci/? I saw it on /x/ and was worried...
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No.13625500 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Modern science starts with a conclusion chosen to fit a philosophy then searches for evidence and tries to explain away any contradictions.
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No.13625343 ViewReplyOriginalReport
This sentence is false" isn't that hard to unpack.

Imagine "this sentence is true". We can evaluate this as a prescription which would mean "this sentence is true" is set equal to "true" or we could try to evaluate it on the basis of it making a statement that COULD be false. You can't do the second evaluation because there's nothing to process about the statement because truth has no properties besides truth so you can't falsify it on the basis of not having the same properties as "truth"" and you can't do the first because 2+2 = 4 has the property "true" but doesn't have the property "this sentence is true" but two plus two equals four does have the property "true" and "this sentence is true".

"This sentence is true" is a property sentences can have just like "true" is a property some objects can have. You can't evaluate "true" just by itself and neither can you "this sentence is true".

Imagine i say "this sentence is an apple" can i pick this object from an apple tree?does this object have a form that can be eaten? The answer is no. "This sentence is an apple" is therefore false but that's because we can compare the properties of Apple's to to the statement. you can't process "this sentence is false" in the same way

Its like saying "word","red" "apple","goat","demon". Theses words by themselves can't be "true" or "false" they are null objects just like true and false.

"True" and "false" only have themselves as their property and similarly "this sentence is true/false" only have themselves as their property.

The sentence "Green is a color" has the property "true" AND "this sentence is true" but "true" and "this sentence is true" are not the same object

An object can have the property "red" and "this "object" is red" but neither of these have the property "true" or "false". They are true or false on the basis of how they relate to the object but not by themselves.
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No.13630551 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I genuinely have one of the worst lives of any human being that lived. But I love myself because I am also one of the best people to ever live.
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No.13628637 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Evolutionarily speaking, what is the purpose of panic attacks or other various stress responses which result in inactivity, difficulty in decision making, procrastination, loss of dexterity, etc.?
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Longevity Discussion

No.13629991 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Smart people of /sci/, what are the chances that a man in his early 20s lives long enough for Longevity Escape Velocity?

What are your thoughts on Aubrey De Grey and his research? Does he have any chance of actually stopping aging? How long do you think that will take?

And lastly, if you have the will, tell me what you think about cryonics. Is it legit? Or will freezing basically kill your brain?
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What's an interesting math course I won't get bored with after three videos?

No.13626959 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Preferably computer related.
And / or, I would also like to learn more math notation. I've tried get a grasp of math notation but I was doing more attempts at memorization that didn't stick. If I could do something useful, or learn something interesting to do with I would I think I would pick it up.
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How does refraction work exactly?

No.13628817 ViewReplyOriginalReport
So i was going to ask this in stupid questions, but i rather feel like this is a good question.

Why when light changes mediums does it change direction? I've looked it up, and they say it's because the wave speed changes. But why would that cause a change in direction? Wouldn't that only change it's color?