Threads by latest replies - Page 2680

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No.13630605 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How do I keep Clostridium botulinum as a pet?
(5 replies)
No.13630849 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is Wolfram Alpha Pro worth it?
(30 replies)
No.13627902 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is the Holy Grail of medicine?
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No.13630754 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Are debris from walls like these due to water isolation problems dangerous for your health?
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No.13630926 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How would you rank the transferability of mechanical engineering as a degree?
Could a fresh out of school ME get a job as software engineer, electrical engineer, aerospace engineer, or civil engineer?
(6 replies)

Ascorbic acid is NOT Vitamin C?

No.13628493 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is this true or not? Should I use natural vitamin C source like acerola instead of ascorbic acid?
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!!JUfMKYBLVi9 (28 replies)

Computers, But Not As We Know Them

!!JUfMKYBLVi9 No.13628044 ViewReplyOriginalReport
/sci/, I have a crazy idea about the upcoming developments in computers. I think we will move away from the metal boxes we have now, which will be seen as archaic as steam engines in the decades to come. Could we feasibly build a computer not of solid wires, metal, and encased in plastic, but of different forms of matter, like liquids and gases? We already have liquid microchips, and we could extend that technology to an entire body of water, or even ocean, that computes.
>Liquid computation
With the widespread use of 5G, will we now be able to send charge and information to objects around the world. Perhaps, if there is a whole network of 5G structures, they could make a computer out of "thin air"...
>Being able to beam power directly to these IoT devices will encourage the move to far more efficient manufacturing practices.
Could we just beam information through the air instead of using wires and whatnot?
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(5 replies)

Is muscle memory from ancestors passed to their descendants?

No.13630804 ViewReplyOriginalReport
If my grandfather was a good boxer and my dad was a good wrestler, while my mom was a sprinter, would I be genetically predisposed to being good at fighting? Or if a tribe of primitive people trained their spear throwing arms to the limit and then did that for generations would their offspring end up lopsided?
(21 replies)
No.13628166 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Many highly intelligent and well educated people on this board right now believe with all their heart and mind that a kind of invisible matter which magically does not interact with the universe at all and cannot be observed in any way not only actually exists but unironically makes up 85% of all matter.
16 posts and 1 image omitted
(7 replies)

how do I know what is real and what isn't

No.13630144 ViewReplyOriginalReport
how do you know that this site is even real and it's not just your imagination?
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