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Anonymous (16 replies)
Why did the intelligent designer decide to make evolution the rule of life?
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>>13626090 read the book logos to bios
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>>13626090 There is no ultimate end-goal for evolution and there is no purpose. All things spiral toward infinite complexity at all times, and the only reason we are not infinite is because we are of particles that are not accelerated to the speed of light and therefore perceive "time" as linear and not infinite. The universe will return to infinite complexity instantly to itself, but to us, in an extremely inconceivably long time. All particles will return to quantum ones and zeroes. When you speed something up to infinity it becomes theoretical and untangible, and therefore the concept of "zero" is the same as the concept of "infinity". This is why you can't divide by zero.
>>13626090 >Why did the intelligent designer decide to make evolution the rule of life? What evolution? Never happened, never been shown, utter pseudo-scientific garbage
Robert Gentry proved the earth is young and i have reasons to claim the earth is flat
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>>13626090 Couldn't be bothered to design future species himself so he let nature do its course
Anonymous (5 replies)
Scientifically speaking, if I take the jab and the horsepaste at the same time, am I 100% protected against the coof?
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>>13631746 Scientifically speaking the vast majority of the world has nothing to worry about cause the deathrate is pathetic and the only reason the pure numbers in mortality are so high is cause there are seven billion people in the world and thats a number our monkey brains cant actually wrap our heads around
Anonymous (60 replies)
I thought Reddit was midwit territory. Since when do they allow this sort of shit? Isn’t this considered forbidden knowledge by them?
>>13631429 They always were racist. they only care for power.
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Are there many other forgotten thinkers on eugenics Anonymous
>>13631625 These two sentences are contradictory.
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>>13630279 In the computer science world we'd call this an adequate random number generator and ship a procedurally generated video game with it.
In ''''social'''' ''''''''science'''''''' this is considered hard useful data that can be relied upon to make predictions
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>>13631748 They aren't they're just unrelated.
Anonymous (15 replies)
Is college a fucking scam? The majority of my time spent to finish my associates was focused on bullshit general ed and ethnic studies requirements.
And now I'm reviewing the necessary courses to receive my bachelors, and at least 1/3rd of this shit is "upper division general ed". I am pursuing a STEM degree.
Fuck college, I'm done with this shit
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>>13630830 Weird, I networked with *nobody* but have been professionally employed for 15 years.
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>>13630682 No, it isn't, at least not usually. Are you pursuing a BA degree? They usually sacrifice some depth for more breadth, but are less common in the harder sciences and almost unheard of in engineering.
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>>13630917 Even if they didn't it would be difficult. I had a technician apply for an engineering position, I turned him down for his poor understanding of theory - he could execute a design but couldn't create one. It can work, hiring someone without a degree, but it rarely makes sense to take the risk. Besides, if someone can't tolerate college they probably can't tolerate the fucking job.
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>>13630697 >Filtered. Undergraduate is there to make you a well rounded individual. Not an expert. Idiot US education is fucking useless if this is the case. No wonder so many of you fucks are crying about their useless degrees.
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>>13630828 this but entirely unironically
Anonymous (555 replies)
Searching for Dinosaurs and Jungle Babes Edition
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>>13631446 You're late, anon :/
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>>13629895 Honestly I don't think there is anything wrong with ablative TPS. Just make it cheap and easy to replace. Like an F1 going for a pit stop and changing its wheels.
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>>13630556 I understand that's what you were taught in high school physics, but you're missing the point. You don't 'feel' acceleration while falling in a gravitational field, you feel it when you're standing on the ground. Free fall is an inertial reference frame. If that's too much to understand, ask yourself why the vomit comet is used to practice for weightlessness.
Anonymous (8 replies)
>there are "people" who gave money to a billionaire's legal fees fundraiser
Scientific explanation for this phenomena?
>>13631364 To be fair, the kinds of people who'd be suing him collectively have way more money than he does, so he probably needs it.
Also not science or math.
>>13631469 t. gave his hard-earned wagie bucks to a reality show con man
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>>13631403 >Programmers. Kek.
>>13631482 Reality show con man > career politicians and bureaucrats
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>>13631715 Yeah, no. At least with career politicians there's the slightest chance that they will do something productive. Can't say the same for the reality show con man.
Anonymous (43 replies)
Why can't we make abiogenesis? Is it because there's a need for a God for it to work?
>>13631649 What goal posts, cretin? Demonstrating abiogenesis is a goalpost set by science. The goalpost set by creationists, is to disprove muh intelligent creator, which of course can't be done by demonstrating abiogenesis.
>>13631655 And how could it be done exactly?
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>>13631657 Who cares? They're not moving their goalposts; they're just holding you to your own standards.
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>>13631386 >Organics evolved from them. brb trying to evolve a rock in my lab
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>>13631168 miller urey experiment?
could the experimental setup be improved now?
Anonymous (9 replies)
I took my 2nd does yesterday and had no symptoms apart from a sore arm. I've just woken up and my arm feels more sore but that's about it. I'm a relatively fit person, going to the gym 6 days a week and playing sports 4 or 5 days a week
I have an older brother who is a lot less fit than me and he had a lot more of a dramatic reaction to the jab. The 1st day he felt fatigued and fell asleep and the next day he had flu-like symptoms. Same with my mother.
Surely as someone who is the most fit and active in my family, I should face the most severe side effects as my immune system would work a lot better?
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>>13628013 >37C not even a fever, tard
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you're not a "relatively fit person" no one this dumb can be described as "fit" in any way
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>>13623736 >Surely as someone who is the most fit and active in my family, I should face the most severe side effects as my immune system would work a lot better? Side effects being proportional to how good your immune system is is just a feel good lie that weak faggots who nearly died from the shot tell themselves.
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absolutely anecdotal but all the men in my family had the same nasty side effects; fever but it feels like you're freezing for a few hours
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>>13623736 90% of all side effects are made up by noceboist neurotics.
Anonymous (12 replies)
Can elephant toothpaste solve the space junk problem?
If we launch a rocket with a pod that will react a foam mixture along with a powerful timed resin could we create giant orbs of tough foam that could absorb space junk which would then be guided into the atmosphere and burnt up?
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The solution seems obvious.
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>>13630076 I wonder if a giant cylinder of aerogel even could burn up on reentry.
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>>13630180 The most non-catastrophic damage done to the space shuttles on average was done by space dust and paint chips from orbiting satellites.
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We should already be building powerful lasers to heat the leading edges of large debris and force it into reentry.
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>>13630125 >just throw it into the sun lmao t. retard who doesn't understand orbits
Anonymous (55 replies)
Didnt really want to do it but i had to, so i finally took the jab and got the pfizer vaccine yesterday, my arm is still sore from it tough.
However, that's it for me, after i take the required 2nd dose, i wont take any booster shots or any of that bullshit.
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>>13630053 OP here, fuck you faggot
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>>13629019 >I will however, refuse to take anything else You cucked for one, you will cuck for the rest as soon as they apply a moderate amount of pressure. Pathetic.
>>13629031 >also thinking 1 year is long enough How long should you wait, and how did you reach that number?
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>>13631093 Long term side effects of medication may not show up for 5-10 years if not more. Which is precisely why literally every single other medicine in the face of the planet has to go through that kind of long term testing regime. But hey, I'm sure you will be fine with this barely tested therapy champ. Go ahead and get five booster shots since it's so safe.