Threads by latest replies - Page 2678

(16 replies)
No.13626090 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why did the intelligent designer decide to make evolution the rule of life?
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(5 replies)
No.13631746 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Scientifically speaking, if I take the jab and the horsepaste at the same time, am I 100% protected against the coof?
(60 replies)

Wtf is going on?

No.13630214 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I thought Reddit was midwit territory. Since when do they allow this sort of shit? Isn’t this considered forbidden knowledge by them?
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(15 replies)
No.13630682 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is college a fucking scam? The majority of my time spent to finish my associates was focused on bullshit general ed and ethnic studies requirements.

And now I'm reviewing the necessary courses to receive my bachelors, and at least 1/3rd of this shit is "upper division general ed". I am pursuing a STEM degree.

Fuck college, I'm done with this shit
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(555 replies)

/sfg/ Spaceflight General

No.13627715 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Searching for Dinosaurs and Jungle Babes Edition

prev: >>13623585
550 posts and 140 images omitted
(8 replies)
No.13631364 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>there are "people" who gave money to a billionaire's legal fees fundraiser
Scientific explanation for this phenomena?
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(43 replies)
No.13631168 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why can't we make abiogenesis? Is it because there's a need for a God for it to work?
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(9 replies)

Why do some people have more side effects from jab?

No.13623736 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I took my 2nd does yesterday and had no symptoms apart from a sore arm. I've just woken up and my arm feels more sore but that's about it. I'm a relatively fit person, going to the gym 6 days a week and playing sports 4 or 5 days a week
I have an older brother who is a lot less fit than me and he had a lot more of a dramatic reaction to the jab. The 1st day he felt fatigued and fell asleep and the next day he had flu-like symptoms. Same with my mother.
Surely as someone who is the most fit and active in my family, I should face the most severe side effects as my immune system would work a lot better?
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(12 replies)
No.13630057 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can elephant toothpaste solve the space junk problem?

If we launch a rocket with a pod that will react a foam mixture along with a powerful timed resin could we create giant orbs of tough foam that could absorb space junk which would then be guided into the atmosphere and burnt up?
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(55 replies)

I finally got vaxxed

No.13628996 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Didnt really want to do it but i had to, so i finally took the jab and got the pfizer vaccine yesterday, my arm is still sore from it tough.
However, that's it for me, after i take the required 2nd dose, i wont take any booster shots or any of that bullshit.
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