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No.13632478 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Fuck chemistry!
I had an exam on friday about anorganic chemistry and it was just about how well you memorized some random chemical equation for some random industrial processes. Everything that required actual thinking were topics that are covered better in other fields like physics.
One question was to fill out all the elements of the main groups of the periodic table. Do I look like a fucking book? You can look that shit up, why do I need to memorize all that bullshit, which I will forget afterwards anyway since I can look it up?
Such a scam field
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No.13631464 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Scientifically speaking, are squat toilets better for you from the perspective of human anatomy?
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No.13632378 ViewReplyOriginalReport
what is your favourite number, /sci/?
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force of will mind discipline

No.13627355 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Scientifically and objectively speaking:

how do i train myself to control my will completely. I mean budhist monks can turn themselves on fire and not flinch. Surely theres a way for me to learn how to work on things i like 24/7.

I mean if you want to learn how to play the piano theres a method, if you want to learn how to do a handstand theres a method.

Humanity has been around for tens of thousands of years, surely theres a method to learn how to learn and control your mind discipline and actions constnatly, and surely it has been polished and mix maxed to the absolute maximum of maximum efficiencies, what is this discipline called?
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No.13631430 ViewReplyOriginalReport
University fags, how is studying math in the age of coronavirus? I'm thinking of 2022, since it isn't going to end any time soon
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No.13631907 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Do you agree with this? Is it also an attack on science?
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Would the vaccines be approved through the regular process?

No.13632158 ViewReplyOriginalReport
If they weren't rammed through the "emergency use" process.
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Where does the stigma regarding string theory come from?

No.13630192 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why has it been looked down upon by physicists ever since the 1960s?
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Female IQ

No.13630810 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Sci, my gf has recently revealed her SAT score to me, it was in the low 1400s. I'm an IQ autist so it matters to me that she have good IQ genes.

How predictive is SAT score when it comes to predicting IQ in the top 10th percentile (1400+)?
She also got near perfect in math and then failed the verbal part, is pretending that this matters a cope?

How high of an SAT/IQ would you need your gf to be?
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