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No.13632077 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is the significance of the face coverings for the new religion (scientism) that we are being walked into?
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So /sci/fags, Vaxx or not to Vaxx

No.13630922 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I got vaxxed in april with pfizer. No symptoms besides really bad side effects(fever, and sleepyness) for 24 hours afterwards. Otherwise fine
(32 replies)
No.13629652 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can science determine human values?
27 posts and 1 image omitted
(104 replies)

1st semester teaching embarassment / disaster

No.13631358 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Recently got hired to teach part time and was assigned Real Analysis to which I was more than excited.

However in the first week when I tried to explain how the set [0,1] contains and infinite amount of real numbers I was immediately met with skepticism by a student.

He proceeded to press me on the matter and since I was new I became visibly anxious, slurring my words which was further intensified when I deduced that the set was not just infinite, but uncountably infinite to which I was met with skepticism as another student joined in pressing me.

At this point I was visibly uncomfortable as it is a very bad sign to be doubted not just once but in a consecutive matter to the entire class.

The final straw was when I, using the same reasoning arrived at (0,1) having the same cardinality as the entirely of R to which a different student proceeded to walk out of the classroom.

By the end, I was sweating bullets and I am now dreading coming back to lecture on monday. How do new adjuncts deal with this type of anxiety ? is it normal to be pressed this much at first ? if my students are now skeptical is there anything I can do to win their trust back?

If the anxiety Is preventing me from effectively lecturing will I have to resign?

I am absolutely terrified as I have to touch on cauchy sequences and equivalence classes very soon and I already know what their reaction will be like.

I think I will have to talk to the chair of the department for possible options.
99 posts and 8 images omitted
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No.13632983 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Cam your penis get infected from fapping? I just realized I never wash my hands before jacking off and it started to bother me
(9 replies)
No.13631804 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What jobs can you get as a chemist?
4 posts omitted
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Fractal Sounds ?

No.13630340 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is it and how does it affect a person ?
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Research Chems

No.13630555 ViewReplyOriginalReport
are they still as popular as they were 5 or 6 years ago?
info purposes only
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