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Probably help

No.13633857 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hi /sci/. I was in a discussion with my friend about the slippery slope fallacy. Where if A to B happens with a large percentage possibly, the likelihood of Z happening is very low because of all of the steps needed to get to step z even if there is a large probability of steps. This seems to be similar reasoning to the Monty hall door problem.

What I am wondering is if conditional probability, if z given a to b and then b to c happens. I'd imagine that if a to y has occurred, that z has a higher chance of happening. I was also thinking that under some situations where the probability is low in the beginning but have a higher likely hood for instance the adoption of something, since it is gathering momentum, has a higher likelihood since the lower probabilitys were cancelled out at the beginning at a to b and the higher likelihood are at the end y to z in this example. Can someone please send me some resources on this. I am interested and am having a hard time finding more info on this specific idea.
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No.13633885 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How can I study the vibrations and frequencies of the universe without being bombarded with hippie nonsense and religious weirdos?
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Conscience-body duality

No.13633372 ViewReplyOriginalReport
If conscience is just the brain, why can I know that sex is useless through reasoning yet my body (and by extension my brain due to endorphins) still wants it?
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(26 replies)
No.13633185 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Non-troll post. Is there some actual science on the psychology of Asians and why they look so "automated"? In my experience they are mostly normal when they live in western countries, but I've travelled to China once and honestly couldn't connect with most of them. I kinda understand why people on /pol/ call them bugs. Take this webm for example. I can't read the emotions of the girl on the left. I'm getting the same impression I would get from a praying mantis.
Is there some actual science on this or am I just a schizo?
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MRNA Injection Implications

No.13632212 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Does anyone have any sources and studies to support these claims?
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No.13632811 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Are mathematics derived from the real world? How is it that mathematicians work with dimensions and geometry that are not of this world? How do they figure out the rules?
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No.13633737 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What's the current exchange rate?
(16 replies)
No.13632850 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Just left the E.R. We are being inundated by vaccinated patients who are dying from the varients and the vaccine itself.
They are begging me on their death bed, to "unvaccinate" them, but I tell them it's too late. There's nothing I can do. They ask me why all their unvaccinated relatives are completely healthy and doing fine, even when they get Covid. I just hold their hand and tell them that it was all part of God's plan.
When I go out into the hallway to tell their relatives, that they have passed. They ask me if the vaccines killed their sons/fathers. I just look at them and say, "I can't answer that question". Then I go home and pray people will quit getting vaccinated, only to get up the next morning to see we are being overrun by vaccinated people in the ICU again.
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No.13632346 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is the meaning of life?

>you even have a meaning
15 posts and 2 images omitted
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/sfg/ Spaceflight General

No.13631443 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Scotty Edition

previous: >>13627715