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No.13633212 ViewReplyOriginalReport
this is why I can't into anymore mates.

giving up cope thread. pass the beers.

srsly, why is effort even worth anymore.
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No.13633546 ViewReplyOriginalReport
how am i supposed to believe in this "covid" thing if, i an accountant, havent seen it. We cant see the wind. People who are "sick" must just have dietary deficiencies.
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No.13614510 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Will people eventually be able to pick their baby's race, with genetic engineering?
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No.13616804 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Why do homosexuals exist if they don’t pass on their genes? What is their purpose?
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(13 replies)
No.13629141 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>It's hard for me to pay attention if someone talks for too long.
>If I'm sitting, I have to constantly move around and fidget
>It's hard for me to focus for too long on sitting-related tasks.
>I have a large backlog of games and movies, but it takes me ages to get through them and they keep piling up over the months and years
>If it's a long movie, I usually have to pause half way through and do something else for a bit, unless it's a really good movie.
>I hate when people are slow talkers or take ages to get the point of what they are saying
>However, there are rare instances where I can sit and be productive for many hours and accidentally forget to eat, but this isn't often.

Do I need Adderall? I had it prescribed many years ago due to a bunch of mental issues that are mostly gone now thanks to a change in diet. It was so bad I was dropping classes and had trouble even getting out of bed. I feel amazing now, but I still have attention span issues it seems. I can do necessary tasks around the house and can keep it clean, but I can never just sit down and enjoy something fun. I eat healthy, take fish oil, l-theanine, drink coffee, exercise every day. But I still find things hard to do and feel hyperactive.
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No.13623855 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Consciousness impacts reality. You can test it in your own home.
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No.13634034 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Have science found the best porn to fap to?
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Chess is not as intellectual as people think

No.13631166 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Chess is all about memorizing moves and counter moves. There are no openings, or endgames, or tactics. There are a finite amount of moves and the best players are the ones who memorize thousands of counters in their heads. Odds are if you are playing a good player and you make a move, if that player is good he knows the perfect move to make to counter because he has every single possible move memorized in his or her head. That is why I suck so much at chess and will never be good at it. My memory is quite poor and I am unable to memorize thousands of moves. That's why 360 is probably a better game overall, but regular chess blows. The best players in the world all have eidetic memories. There is very little skill in chess, only memorization. That is why chess is boring and stupid. Discuss.
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