Threads by latest replies - Page 2667

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Is it true that aerobic exercise increases IQ more than any other technique to "improve" the brain?

No.13633560 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How much does it increase on average?
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No.13635042 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is it possible to remain on same level of neuroplasticy of teenager then you are in your late 20s?
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No.13635269 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How do I stop getting angry and sad when I get a math problem wrong? It makes my heart sink and I don't know why.
(15 replies)
No.13633671 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What are the implications of the double slit experiment?
And more specifically the quantum eraser experiment?
10 posts and 1 image omitted
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No.13633583 ViewReplyOriginalReport

Breakdown, Breakdown, Mayim's gonna break it down... gonna break it down, gonna, gonna, gonna break it down... for youuuuuuu
1 post omitted
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I have discovered a sub-exponential time algorithm which solves the ECDLP

No.13633870 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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No.13634298 ViewReplyOriginalReport
can humans survive this?
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No.13631017 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why didn't the fish die when it went out of water?

And are there cases where fish leave the water and evolve into walking breathing mammals?

What specific conditions are required for this event to happen again?

And if this hasn't happened again in thousands of years then why is that so?
6 posts omitted