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No.13633195 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why isn't he more recognized by the scientific community?
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Zoom fuckups thread

No.13635565 ViewReplyOriginalReport
We were having a Zoom meeting and I went to screen share a pdf but I accidentally showed my entire desktop, there was nothing really bad no porn or anything but my reaction folder was wide open with over 100 pepes visible. Someone did say something, I laughed it off, I don't think I'm fucked. But they probably deduced I browse 4chan now and probably believe I'm either an incel or a nazi or a weeaboo. If they're reading this, I promise I'm not I'm just a nerd (I guess you could say 'non-practicing' incel in some way). Anyway anyone else got Zoom fuckup stories that they don't mind sharing, to help me get through this semi panic attack?
(9 replies)
No.13635695 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Every time I've been to an optometrist they require special equipment to perform any sort of automated testing.

I'm curious as to what eyes may tell us about someone just by looking at them (without stuff like fundus photography). Looking for real answers such as pupil dilation problems, jaundice, diabetes, cataracts, etc. and not pseudoscientific stuff like iridology or personality types.
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ITT: signs you go to a midwit school

No.13635125 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>take home exams / dropping any quiz at the end of the semester

>curves grades

>"taking the limit"

>using infinity in upper level math

Shit that should be reportable Round
"Every least upper bound is an upper bound, however the least upper bound is the smallest number that is still an upper bound."
(10 replies)

(not) simple probability question

No.13634340 ViewReplyOriginalReport
In one week (7 days) you registered 3 cars in a parking lot on 3 different days, 1 car on 1 day, and 0 cars on 2 different days. All observations were registered on different days of the week.

What is the probability of seeing 0 cars in one day of the week? What is the expected number of days you will see 0 cars during a 70 day period (10 weeks)?
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(37 replies)

Covid Test

No.13625844 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is there any other type of covid test besides the nasal swab? I have had a phobia of this type of test since I was a child and I'm unsure if I can go through with it, I'm gonna have to lose my job if I can't find another type of test or way to prove I got tested. I know it sounds like I'm being a little bitch and that may be true, but it is what it is, I need some advice guys. Sorry if this isn't really the right board, they need a board that has to do with medical shit. I've seen that there are saliva tests, but every place I call tells me that the saliva test isn't a real thing. Are they just gaslighting me? What the fuck is going on?
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(26 replies)
No.13633915 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Nutrition which is good for your fitness & health:
>it tastes bad and makes you feel like you're starving

Food that literally harms your fitness & health:
>leaves you feeling fulfilled and content

Explain this scientifically. It should be the other way around if considering evolutionary factors, right?

>Inb4 some retarded Sv3rige inspired sungazers talking about carnivore diet
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(8 replies)

Anons, please help me with some math

No.13635035 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Good evening anyone who wants to help: I'm programming for a SS13 server, and I want the player's chosen strength stat (1-9) to have a multiplicative effect on melee weapon damage, with the effects being positive for each point above 5 and negative for each below. I was thinking + or - 10% for each above or below.

I need to write an equation within this file I'm working on, that would add such an effect to an already existing variable called "force", which designates an incoming melee impact in the code and is a set integer depending on the source of damage. Any help in this regard from people who aren't stoned as fuck right now like I am would be greatly appreciated.
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(36 replies)

Is the Signal/Noise distinction always subjective?

No.13631736 ViewReplyOriginalReport
There's obviously a lot of models and equations that deal with Signal vs. Noise, especially in electrical engineering and signal processing. But I was wondering if there is a objective and definitive definition, at least for /sci/ purposes of what distinguishes a Signal from Noise, or is it always a matter of opinion that varies on the specific architecture and goals of any given system?
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(35 replies)
No.13628970 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Scientifically speaking, what happens when the majority of the male human population can no longer attain sexual access through courtship?
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