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Anonymous (6 replies)
Why isn't he more recognized by the scientific community?
>>13633924 funny part is that in latin it sounds like knee-gaer
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What about the renowned pedologist, Francis D Hole?
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>>13633943 >>13633195 >>13633924 Black man in Latin is literally "Niger homo" and it's pronouced like "knee-ger ommo"
Anonymous (5 replies)
We were having a Zoom meeting and I went to screen share a pdf but I accidentally showed my entire desktop, there was nothing really bad no porn or anything but my reaction folder was wide open with over 100 pepes visible. Someone did say something, I laughed it off, I don't think I'm fucked. But they probably deduced I browse 4chan now and probably believe I'm either an incel or a nazi or a weeaboo. If they're reading this, I promise I'm not I'm just a nerd (I guess you could say 'non-practicing' incel in some way). Anyway anyone else got Zoom fuckup stories that they don't mind sharing, to help me get through this semi panic attack?
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Pepe is a bona fide hate symbol. Enjoy your prison cell.
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don't think this is science or math related
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>>13635565 Pepe is all over normalfag venues, retard, this isn't 2014.
Anonymous (9 replies)
Every time I've been to an optometrist they require special equipment to perform any sort of automated testing.
I'm curious as to what eyes may tell us about someone just by looking at them (without stuff like fundus photography). Looking for real answers such as pupil dilation problems, jaundice, diabetes, cataracts, etc. and not pseudoscientific stuff like iridology or personality types.
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>>13635740 Sorry, meant pupillary constriction (see the right eye of the person in that photo).
>>13635752 Thinning of the sclera can also occur because of inflammatory damage. The person in the photo likely has Rheumatoid Arthritis; an autoimmune condition primarily affecting the joints, but also has extra-articular manifestations.
>>13635740 Sorry, meant pupillary constriction (see the right eye of the person in that photo).
>>13635752 Thinning of the sclera can also occur because of inflammatory damage. The person in the photo likely has Rheumatoid Arthritis; an autoimmune condition primarily affecting the joints, but also has extra-articular manifestations.
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>>13635773 Wilson's disease is a disease of copper overload. The body cannot rid itself of excess copper and so the copper deposits all over the body; particularly causing disease by depositing in the liver causing chronic liver disease and the brain, causing a range of things including Parkinsonism. It may also deposit in the iris and be detected just from visual inspection.
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>>13635695 >pupil dilation Comes from drugs and attraction.
Anonymous (5 replies)
>take home exams / dropping any quiz at the end of the semester
>curves grades
>"taking the limit"
>using infinity in upper level math
Shit that should be reportable Round
"Every least upper bound is an upper bound, however the least upper bound is the smallest number that is still an upper bound."
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>>13635125 Wtf is up with fags who dont use infinity? Is it just a meme or are there really people who do that?
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>>13635125 >as physics teacher why sun is burning >He doesn't know the answer Tbf he actually was a PE teacher
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>>13635125 all I'm seeing are signs signaled from an midwit incel. nice picture btw, you didn't hide it at all. keep seething, autist.
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>reddit spacing >complaining about mundane shit >thinking he's smart for not using infinity You have to go back retarded Midwit
Anonymous (10 replies)
In one week (7 days) you registered 3 cars in a parking lot on 3 different days, 1 car on 1 day, and 0 cars on 2 different days. All observations were registered on different days of the week.
What is the probability of seeing 0 cars in one day of the week? What is the expected number of days you will see 0 cars during a 70 day period (10 weeks)?
>>13634340 The answer depends on how you model the problem, and how to model the problem is left wide open.
>>13635528 yeah no data
>>13635534 give the possible models
the official answer is 2/7 but i struggle to see why it isnt 2/6
>>13635607 >give the possible models Well, you may assume that since the number of cars on a given day is down to a combination of many random factors, it can be represented by a normal distribution, and try to find the best match for the data, and get your answer from that. The "official" 2/7 answer is based on the simplistic reasoning that from 7 days, you have 2 observations of the 0-car event.
>>13635619 >The "official" 2/7 answer is based on the simplistic reasoning that from 7 days, you have 2 observations of the 0-car event. but the ammount of equally likely possibilities is 6, not 7
isnt probability defined as the ratio of the number possibilities that meet an event's constraints and the number of equally likely possibilities?
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>>13635712 I understand your objection, but I don't see how else you'd get a 2/7 except through that reasoning. "No data for this day" is a possibility of the same kind as "3 cars on this day", and stands in contrast with "0 cars on this day", which is what you're after.
Anonymous (37 replies)
Is there any other type of covid test besides the nasal swab? I have had a phobia of this type of test since I was a child and I'm unsure if I can go through with it, I'm gonna have to lose my job if I can't find another type of test or way to prove I got tested. I know it sounds like I'm being a little bitch and that may be true, but it is what it is, I need some advice guys. Sorry if this isn't really the right board, they need a board that has to do with medical shit. I've seen that there are saliva tests, but every place I call tells me that the saliva test isn't a real thing. Are they just gaslighting me? What the fuck is going on?
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>>13625844 Its literally over in half a second, stop being a pussy
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>>13625844 You have to get tested weekly because it's super contagious. That's why they have to swab your brain stem through your nose. To get to the super contagious, deadly virus that didn't kill anyone you know, or anyone who knows anyone, unless they were already dying and tested positive on a PCR test so the hospital could get an extra $40k.
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>>13625844 >I need some advice guys Do something unexpected. Become someone not to be fucked with.
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>>13626328 Not true, there is a spit test and a throat swap test. And the chinese anal swab test
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>>13625889 >Get the vaxx and then die so you wont anymore tests
Anonymous (26 replies)
Nutrition which is good for your fitness & health:
>it tastes bad and makes you feel like you're starving
Food that literally harms your fitness & health:
>leaves you feeling fulfilled and content
Explain this scientifically. It should be the other way around if considering evolutionary factors, right?
>Inb4 some retarded Sv3rige inspired sungazers talking about carnivore diet
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>>13633915 The burrito and burger aren't that bad if you don't add all that extra junk and eat more of the stuff on the left anyway. The beer and processed junk might be not too great for you though
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>>13633958 Not everybody wants to or can afford to eat $20 breakfast lunch and dinner for $100 everyday though. So we need extra protein from a burrito here and there. Doesn't mean we don't eat fruits and vegetables as well
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>>13635103 This is pretty close. More variety in foods is best. Try picking up different foods at the grocery store to balance out the the nutrients that you're not getting in those caloric rich foods. Eat all different colors of fruits and vegetables, read labels and avoid junky ingredients like oleac oil, hydrogenated oils, hfcs, etc
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>>13635218 My fish tacos were slightly less good than the ones I got at a fancy restaurant a ways back, but I did manage to feed myself and my wife and make a salad for tomorrow too, at half the price of that dish.
You seem to be projecting your own failures cooking onto me and im sorry it didnt go well for you.
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Part of the intuition mistake here is that it's not just a one-way causation. It's not that we prefer these things that are bad for us, it's that these things that are bad for us have been developed through rigorous trial-and-error. Then on top of that you've got the human body's flaw of optimizing for maximum caloric intake as getting 'too fat' either wasn't a thing (not enough food available) or not a problem (you reproduced before it had survival impacts). Obesity is almost exclusively a modern problem, for the two main reasons I've just described.
Anonymous (8 replies)
Good evening anyone who wants to help: I'm programming for a SS13 server, and I want the player's chosen strength stat (1-9) to have a multiplicative effect on melee weapon damage, with the effects being positive for each point above 5 and negative for each below. I was thinking + or - 10% for each above or below.
I need to write an equation within this file I'm working on, that would add such an effect to an already existing variable called "force", which designates an incoming melee impact in the code and is a set integer depending on the source of damage. Any help in this regard from people who aren't stoned as fuck right now like I am would be greatly appreciated.
>>13635035 Force + (strength - 5 )* some constant
This should work, no?
>>13635275 would he have asked if it was as simple as that?
>>13635279 Dont overestimate a gamedev's math skills
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>>13635288 Their math skills are actually pretty good compared to the general population, and even compared to the general population of programmers.
Anonymous (36 replies)
There's obviously a lot of models and equations that deal with Signal vs. Noise, especially in electrical engineering and signal processing. But I was wondering if there is a objective and definitive definition, at least for /sci/ purposes of what distinguishes a Signal from Noise, or is it always a matter of opinion that varies on the specific architecture and goals of any given system?
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>>13632080 It's a factual statement, what ever you put the pattern is at least that, what is there to prove? Like this algorithm
if signal then yes
now anything has a pattern that matches what you want it to match
>there simply is no such thing as noise. Things that have no meaning to you are noise, like most of your posts for instance.
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>>13632114 yes, engineering is always the application of science and to do that we look at science in the simplest way. if we were smarter we would be scientists instead of engineers
you have to consider what is the point of the signal. the signal is the command or data you are trying to transmit. you consider everything that's not the thing you're trying to transmit to be noise.
>>13631964 Please elaborate more, I feel like this is getting close to an answer. You mean if there is 'redundancy'? Like this other poster says, low entropy?
>>13631952 >entropy. a signal is an improbable low entropy state. if you attach a rng to a speaker the chances of hearing "nigger" is very improbable Ah okay now we're getting somewhere.
>>13631961 thank you
>You can totally transmitt information with random/stochastic processes if you just change the autocorrelation function if you want to. That's way over my tiny pea-brain. I have no idea what a autocorrelation is, are you saying that you can transmit a signal by changing the parameters of the Probability Distribution of otherwise randomly generated noise?
Kinda like using a talkbox?
And the 'autocorrelation' according to my 30 seconds of googling, means you're changing the self-similarity, or the average of that randomly generated events?
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>>13634337 >>13631961 >Kinda like using a talkbox? Actually just after I hit post I realized it's not like a talkbox, since I presume you're talking about changing the actual generation of the events themselves whereas a talkbox only filters it
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>>13634337 >are you saying that you can transmit a signal by changing the parameters of the Probability Distribution of otherwise randomly generated noise? Kinda, random/stochhastic processes are a bit more weird than that.
To fully understand what I'm saying, we need to get a bit technical (but still ignore stochhastic processes magic math)
>First the basics >pearson correlation >autocorrelation: How much a signal is pearson correlated with itself from a previous time
>Spectral-density >WhiteNoise >Wiener-Khinchin theorem basically relates the inverse fourier transform of the power spectral density to the autocorrelation function.
Now let's imagine you have a very strong whitenoise (const. power spectrum) generator and you transmit this to a receiver.
The receiver will measure a autocorrelation function looking like a delta function (white noise).
Now the transmitter just low-pass filters the white noise @~500HZ. The power spectrum looks now like a rectangle. The inverse fourier transform (autocorrelationfunction) of a rectangle is the sinc function. The receiver will now measure a autocorrelation function looking like a sinc function.
-> We have transmitted information with random noise and know the transmitter just low pass filtered the signal proving that nothing is really "noise" and everything has a pattern.
Anonymous (35 replies)
Scientifically speaking, what happens when the majority of the male human population can no longer attain sexual access through courtship?
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>>13628990 this
>>13628990 before hyper realistic smart sexbots
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>>13634909 You should look into the US Basedbean and Corn Lobbies
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>>13628970 patriarchy (in whatever form) will probably be reinstated. Either that or
>>13628990 .
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>>13629122 They never really got to France, but nowadays France is more islamic than Spain, funny how that turned out.
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>>13630244 A lot of those societies had lots of slaves, so the ratio wasn't that bad.