Threads by latest replies - Page 2659

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Skull shape identification

No.13635683 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can any paleontology/anthropology anon tell me which hominid species this skull most resembles? (sorry shitty art skills)
Thanks, Google isn't helping.

The blue is a reference for an adult human male of today for comparison
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No.13637824 ViewReplyOriginalReport
White pill me on visiting museums when I can view videos, blogs, etc. and get more out of it.
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Open-Source Electronic Rocket

No.13637028 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How do you build a rocket, and has anybody managed to make one that's controlled by an Arduino?
(74 replies)

sciencedirect: IVERMECTIN inhibits reproduction of covid19

No.13628875 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport

Please no schizo shitposters. I am vaccinated with moderna and think it is more safe than taking ivermectin due to ivermectin obviously being able to inhibit other (good) bacteria production.

but has anyone tried to smoke ivermectin? smoking ivermectin would take it directly into the lungs and not get in the intestinal tract thus preventing inhibition of good bacteria.
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No.13637516 ViewReplyOriginalReport
A gay can't reproduce through sex so they have to reproduce by creating another gay
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No.13623251 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Materialism, then, is a metaphysics of the rejection of metaphysics. It is an of faith-assumption that nature is a closed system whose every feature is caused by and explainable by matter alone, and that nothing exists beyond the physical order. Naturalism is a picture of the whole of reality that cannot, according to its own intrinsic premises, address the being of the whole; it is a transcendental certainty of the impossibility of transcendental truth, and so requires an act of pure credence logically immune to any verification… Naturalism’s claim that, by confining itself to purely material explanations for all things, it adheres to the only sure path of verifiable knowledge is nothing but a feat of sublimely circular thinking: physics explains everything, which we know because anything physics cannot explain does not exist, which we know because whatever exists must be explicable by physics, which we know because physics explains everything.
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(9 replies)
No.13636352 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>It is wrong to think that the task of physics is to find out how nature is. Physics concerns what we can say about Nature

What did he mean by this? Isn’t this the opposite of building from first principles? Is it better to look at the evidence and devise a theory or to devise a theory and test it against the evidence?
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(19 replies)

COVID science thread

No.13629887 ViewReplyOriginalReport
ITT we share or ask for scientific info for or against jabs, facemasks, lockdowns, etc. The purpose of this thread is for people to make informed decisions by being exposed to all schools of though there are on this particular topic.
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