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(156 replies)
No.13638738 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>no one trusts scientists
>virus can't be seen so it's not there hurr durr
>covid is the flu
>masks don't work
>I work at mcdonalds but trust me just trust me guys it's all a conspiracy
is it not insulting to people who spent thousands of hours dedicating their life to virology to decide suddenly you are the expert? When you can see scientists who make the vaccine ghetting it themselves, and you aren't who's the idiot? If you want to be consistent be an anti-vaxer all together because the vaccines you were injected with as a child weren't perfect either
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High pressure and temperature=OIL

No.13638672 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can someone explain to me the actual chemistry by which "high pressure and temperature" turns a dinosaur into oil?
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(20 replies)
No.13638487 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How do you cope with the fact that you’ll never experience future civilization & tech thousands of years from now? That you’ll never see the human race become a multi planet species? That you’ll be beyond dust before we learn the uncover the unknown unknowns?
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The Philosophical Basis of Science

No.13641891 ViewReplyOriginalReport

>Hypothesis Not Confirmed?
>New hypothesis

>Hypothesis confirmed?
>Nah I'm an idiot
>Run experiment 30 more times
>Okay fine I guess it might be right
>Make a theory

Is the scientific method dead? How do we revivify this philosophical worldview for the betterment of humanity?
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Funny and Comfy Papers Thread

No.13637706 ViewReplyOriginalReport
All fields welcome, but I'd like special attention for CS/math.
Here are a few.

Escaping an Infinitude of Lions

On The Number of Condoms at a Cheap Safe-Sex Orgy

Threesomes, Degenerates, and Love Triangles

Chasing puppies: Mobile beacon routing on closed curves
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(157 replies)

Vaccine risk profile

No.13637234 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
French scientists made a website of the vaccine risk profile. 10000 squares.

E.g: for the 30-39 year old:

Of 10000 people with the Covid-19 of age and sex defined *:
- 3 will die during hospitalization (black squares)
- 120 will be hospitalized (red and black squares)
- 361 will have persistent symptoms at least 56 days (orange squares) *
- 10000 (all) will be contagious (all squares)

If the same people had been vaccinated *:
- 1 will die during hospitalization (black squares)
- 36 will be hospitalized (red and black squares)
- 107 will have persistent symptoms at least 56 days (E.G., Fatigue, loss of persistent smell, etc.) (orange squares) **
- 7039 will not have the COVID-19 (but may possibly have a non-symptomatic infection) (gray squares)
- 2 will have a serious side effect within 2 months of vaccination, and linked to it (eg, fever> 40 ° C, shoulder injury following vaccination, transverse myelitis, legs of the leg) ** * (purple squares)
- Other benefits such as the protective effect of immunization on other people are not presented

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(8 replies)

Designing the jet engine

No.13637975 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hi /sci/. I'm an aerospace engineering from france and working on this side project in my lost hours. Please excuse my bad english.

The goal is simple: using what I learned + the internet, I will design a turbojet for middle-sized drones. Design point conditions are the following:

Operation altitude: 10000ft
Aircraft speed: 500km/h (Mach 0.42)
Inlet stagnation pressure: 69692.206 Pa
Inlet stagnation temperature: 268.35 K
Inlet density: 0.905kg/m^3

First I started by the following design steps:
Compressor> Diffuser> Combustor>Turbine stator>Turbine>Exhaust and finally compressor inlet (which is a bit complicated to design due to tip clearance).

But clearly this order doesn't work. Simply because when I designed the compressor I didn't take time to solve combustion equations inside the combustor therefore I got an incorrect air mass flow rate inside the engine. The design steps look more like the following:

Combustion equations>Compressor>Turbine>Combustor>remaining steps

So I had to start again with a larger compressor . I wanted to share my work so /scibros can give a critical assessment of it and if possible provide some solutions of encountered problems. I will update this thread on a regular basis. Toodles
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Origins of life and univer

No.13640888 ViewReplyOriginalReport
As far as we know only life can create life and no matter come ex nihilo.

I hear scientist basicaly saying that science will eventualy explain what seems unexplainable and religions that the answer come from the magic man from the Sky.

Would it be possible that life and matter just dont have an origin and the notion of bigginig and end dont apply ?