Threads by latest replies - Page 2639

(7 replies)
No.13644025 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be me
>taking a test
>bombing so far
>see extra credit
>bless you teacher
>ok sweet
>explain why this is false
>on it for half an hour
>give up and turn it in
I got a D and could’ve got a C if had this extra credit question right
How tf are you supposed to solve this?
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(26 replies)
No.13637767 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What's the force of gravity at the center of the earth? If I was in a hollow metal sphere at the center of the earth what forces would I feel?
Would I just feel an equally dispersed pull in all directions? Sort of like how every direction from the north pole is south?
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(5 replies)
No.13643382 ViewReplyOriginalReport
is there any scientific way to increase chances of passing practical driving exam? some medicines that increase neuroplasticity? mph? piracetam?
(14 replies)

I am forgotten

No.13642230 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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(16 replies)
No.13639140 ViewReplyOriginalReport
what do you call the mathemathics required to draw outlines of an object in perspective so that the lines are considered as correct in length and size, considering its current position and relative camera focus and properties?

also how to do that math pls show tx
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(19 replies)
No.13639840 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Good god ... The feeling of sick after taking the vaccine feels so fucking good . Head empty , body tingling ... I should have do this more often
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(30 replies)

Uhhh, vaxxbros? What would Einstein say about this?

No.13642013 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Doing the same thing again and again and expecti different outcomes?
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(5 replies)
No.13644003 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Ok, /sci/ maybe I am stupid but I don't understand pollution...

Everything humans have ever used or created came from natural resources from the Earth. How then can these items become pollution? All those elements and compounds were here before humanity, all we did was move them around, how is anything polluting anything? It was all already here...

please explain because I don't get it.
(8 replies)

I solved psoriasis

No.13640894 ViewReplyOriginalReport
There are 3 reasons for inflammation and acute immune response
1. Inflammation due to Vitamin D3 deficiency
>Vitamin D3 5000IU - 15000IU
>Vitamin A 5000IU - 15000IU (1-on-1 with Vitamin D3)
>Vitamin K2 1gr - 5gr
Daily, all with fatty food. You need to have 40-60ng/ml vitamin D3. Conduct regular blood tests and adjust doses accordingly.

2. Inflammation due to leaky gut
>Medications(Tylenol, Ibuprofen, etc.)
>Fish, Meat (foods high in L-Glutamine)
>Leafy greens, Cruciferous vegetables (high in vitamin C and fiber)
>Fermented foods (for gut microbiome)
Long story short you need L-Glutamine to fix your gut and intestines. You also need vitamin C, because it is needed for collagen production. It also helps with digestion and absorption of some minerals among other benefits, but that doesn't interest us today. You need to consume food high in fiber for gut microbiome. Fermented veggies also help with that.

3. Inflammation due to bacterial or viral infection
First and foremost you MUST have a good dental health. If you have dental cavities, fix them asap. Don't take antibiotics, because they can ruin you gut microbiome. Instead use these
>onion, garlic
>ginger, turmeric
>eucalyptus, aloe vera, etc. etc.

Fix these 3 sources of inflammation and psoriasis will go away in no time.
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(5 replies)

Heavy Metal Increases Testosterone?

No.13641968 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Kind of a /mu/ /sci/ crossover thread so forgive me but I read either on /mu/ or some other board that apparently a doctor said that Heavy Metal and it's sub genre's increase testosterone levels? Is this true? I looked it up and one study apparently found men with higher t-levels like rock music so maybe there is some truth to this.