Threads by latest replies - Page 2637

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No.13632394 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Is this heathy for babies?
116 posts and 12 images omitted
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Time Dilation

No.13642249 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Explain to me /sci/

There is a farmer and a jet pilot.
The farmer works the fields and never leaves his farm.
The pilot flies at high speed for 8 hours a day
Will the pilot age faster than the farmer?
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No.13644822 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What sort of flammable gas am I making when striking a 5000v arc under this oil? I'm looking for a good dialectric to make a capacitor for a quantized inertia experiment and this one gets all bubbly and flammable
(18 replies)


No.13644248 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Just got Rona, does hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin actually work or is that shit just bs?
13 posts and 2 images omitted
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Straight from the horse's mouth:

No.13639900 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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1 + 1 = 3

No.13644306 ViewReplyOriginalReport
39 posts and 5 images omitted
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What is the next step ?

No.13644069 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How can we become a space faring civilization ? what is the next big step humanity will take and how ?
Can we make it before we wipe ourselves out ?
(30 replies)
No.13643579 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I've been catching pedos on 7cups and I just happened to find a female pedo today.

I started off by saying I just turned 18 and the convo quickly turned into her asking me if I would be willing to send pics of kids I knew from high school that were under 18.

In fact, she said the younger the better. Unfortunately, 7cups is fucking retarded, and it automatically deletes messages from the beginning of your convo if your convo is too long.

I have all the google hangout messages though, and I can and will ruin this lady's life. It's not really going to be that hard considering she is so popular on 7cups and I know her name.

The worst part about all of this is that she has a daughter and a son. I have the husband's name too, I could ruin her marriage and her life and even her family's life altogether. I have too much power in my hands, lol.

Can science explain why women do this to kids?
25 posts and 15 images omitted
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No.13642221 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can science explain viruses? Are they a substance or accident?