Threads by latest replies - Page 2635

(51 replies)
No.13635357 ViewReplyOriginalReport
if i select two integers at random, what is the probability that their sum will be prime?
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yeh i know another vaccine thread

No.13643130 ViewReplyOriginalReport
but i have a problem, the moment had came and at work i was given an ultimatum, basically they say get the vaccine or fuck off.
now It's important for me to say that i do not believe in any conspiracy, but i have some concerns.
I'm not a medical person and i do not pretend to be,
but since im hearing only good things about the vaccine in the media, i want to hear some honest professional opinion.
so i have a few questions that i ask /sci/ to address
1. is there any correlations or potential for autoimmune diseases?
2. is there any correlations or potential for ADE?
3. why mRNA based vaccine and not traditional?
4. according to what experts claim, that because mRNA acid is decomposes after a short amount of time there is nothing to worry about long term effects, is that true? there are no implications to what i mention in questions 1,2 or other things that may popup?
5. is there any rational explanation that explain why we need to vaccinate 100% of the population including kids? i ask this because i have come from the premise that herd immunity has already failed

please avoid talking politics this is not what this thread is about, and please dont spam and shill about the vaccine seriously, i do not want the discussions to become a sub level insults war.
In fact i would prefer that only people with medical knowledge answer me, thanks...
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(71 replies)

There's no aliens

No.13640783 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
I'm going to piss off a lot of you by saying this, we are most certainly alone in this galaxy and there's a notable chance that we are the most intelligent beings in the observable universe. We will never encounter aliens or alien life.

The Rare Earth hypothesis has such a strong basis that it can't truly be refuted and it's the most probable explanation for Fermi's paradox. All of our current knowledge, the recent findings and plain logic suggests that abiogenesis and the evolutionary path to intelligence must be astronomically rare. I know that people get their mind twisted when they think of how big space is, but just consider for a while how improbable abiogenesis must be by chance, then consider how improbable were the events that led to our existence or even just multicellular life. There are a lot of unknowns and we must take a notice that abiogenesis probably has only occurred on this planet once or at least only during one short period of our planet's early history. Recently, there's been quite a lot of research on the possibilities of alternative biochemistry, but they've just gotten blown the fuck out, the latest was silicone based life which was hypothesized as likely impossible. Then there's the recent Oxford study which practically concluded that intelligent life must be extremely rare.

Then there's that Earth is surprisingly unique in a sense, especially when we consider Earth as a whole, as a part of the Solar system. Then there's galactic habitable zones and so on which vastly limit the vastness of the universe and the places which could support life.

I know that people like to bring up the "possibility" of life's extraterrestrial origin in this conversation, but that's just a naive argument. Firstly, abiogenesis would've had to happen elsewhere and somehow life should've survived an enormous impact and radiation in space...

There's no aliens, that's the most likely explanation to Fermi's paradox.
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(5 replies)

Scientifically speaking, is sprite a soda?

No.13644375 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is sprite objectively a soda, or is it only culturally a soda? Someone with a 130+ iq pls give an analysis as I’m unsure. I’ve always considered sprite a soda because it’s carbonated?
(40 replies)
No.13642236 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>”EINSTEIN’s Theory of Relativity!”
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No.13645810 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I just realized that you could see the Earth at any point in the past by flying away millions of times faster than light and then use a telescope. That’s kinda cool.
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No.13643050 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
How the fuck is covid spreading so much in Melbourne, Australia despite being locked down hard including a 9pm curfew? Nobody can meet anyone, sit at a restaurant or use any communal exercise equipment, indoors or outdoors. How is it spreading?
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(72 replies)
No.13640440 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>99.9% of all discoveries and inventions in science and maths have been made by a single male with no more than a pencil and paper or calculator/desktop computer

>for all of human history women have had more free time and access to these things than men and far more time to study.

>in the space of 50 years now 60% of all science/math/tech positions at universities and businesses are held by women

>still not a single invention, discovery, breakthrough

Literal chimpanzees would at least accidentally invent something
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Virgin hegelian gets btfo by based STEM wife

No.13644246 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Scientifically speaking,is philosophy all a big larp made by sexually frustrated people?
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