Threads by latest replies - Page 2632

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No.13645728 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can /sci/ recommend a good textbook on modal logic? I only need it for reference, not intensive study.
(24 replies)

Why do I find girls with disorders very attractive?

No.13639169 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Could it be an evolutionary advantage?
19 posts and 4 images omitted
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(329 replies)

Being IQ 140+ must be fun

No.13596792 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Anons who are verified to be in this range; what is your day to day life like?
324 posts and 44 images omitted
(6 replies)
No.13645453 ViewReplyOriginalReport
objects do not fall rather the earth moves into them
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No.13647234 ViewReplyOriginalReport
So, /sci/, is gravity a force or not? What is the core feature that makes gravity different from other 'fundamental' interactions?
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(19 replies)
No.13647105 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Whether or not there are other civilizations out there in the universe is something everyone wants to know. It has been a topic of conversation for a very long time.
How come nobody ever discusses whether or not it is actually a good idea to blast radio signals out into the unknown?
If we don’t have the slightest idea what’s out there, is advertising our location really an unequivocally good thing?
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(27 replies)
No.13642941 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Non Physical phenomena exists

If your on the thought train that is Muh seeing is believing your a Reddit r/Atheism tier retard
Im not religious by any means BTW

>Muh Consciousness is just complexity and the brain magically materializes it into existence.

Actual brainlet take

Why are so many people unable to accept not knowing something. They just cope and convince themselves there is a logical explanation that they approve of.

This entire board is filled with Rick and Morty, "tbf you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty" Reddit tier intellectuals actual shame.

Consciousness is non physical phenomena

Therefore it isn't bound by physical determinism

Therefore all living things with active non physical phenomena consciousness are able to escape physical determinism and practice free will.

What is free will ?

The ability to make any choice you want regardless of previous events and circumstances.

For example imagine 2 parallel universes identical in every way in each universe a person exists they live an identical life in both Parallel universes that person is faced with a decision and makes a different decision in each parallel universe splitting them apart.

He made different decisions despite all variables being identical in a deterministic world those identical variables, circumstances and environment would have led to the exact same decision ion both universes but they didn't
22 posts and 3 images omitted
(334 replies)
No.13638419 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
If you can still catch COVID, spread COVID and die from COVID, then what's the point of vaccines?
329 posts and 32 images omitted