Threads by latest replies - Page 2631

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No.13646351 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is water wet?
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No.13647118 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Gravity is spacetime curvature, not a force
>Time is a dimension
>'Space' is expanding
>Black holes have a singularity with 'infinite density'
>Nothing can travel faster than light
>Gravity/Speed causes 'time dilation'
>The universe had a beginning and will have an ending
>There is a smallest possible distance/the universe is not infinitely divisible
>Matter/energy cannot be created or destroyed
>There is no God
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No.13644427 ViewReplyOriginalReport
When Isaac Newton died there were 1752 books in his personal library, 25% of which were on the topic of religious philosophy.
Do atheist scientists have a personal library that is 25% atheist philosophy?
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No.13639236 ViewReplyOriginalReport
can you cure cancer with cancer?
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No.13642815 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is true knowledge when everything we know was passed onto us by someone else.

Am I just retarded.
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very hilarious

No.13647671 ViewReplyOriginalReport

this is high iq people in a nutshell, look at the first comment on this article
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No.13631531 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
mRNA Vaccines

What does /sci/ think about them. What are the knowns vs. unknowns?

If /sci/ could pick between mRNA (Pfizer) or normal vaccines (AstraZeneca), what would they pick?
145 posts and 12 images omitted
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No.13643267 ViewReplyOriginalReport
/sci bros, is there anything I can do to be positive at a covid PCR test?

inb4 have covid