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/sfg/ - Spaceflight General

No.13643206 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Inspiration4 Edition
Previous: >>13640090
Five-hour launch window opens at 8:02 p.m. EDT on September 15

Finnish Translated Space Archive:
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(5 replies)

La Palma Earthquake Swarm

No.13648371 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Since September 12, a swarm of earthquakes has plagued the SW coast of La Palma island, in the Canaries - West of a troublesome fault line created by displacement accumulated in past eruptions. There have been longstanding, sensationalized concerns of a landslide caused by intrusion of magma therein that could displace a significant volume of water in the Atlantic; leading to Tsunami of debated intensity along the Atlantic coastlines.

I visited Spain's National Geographic Institute (Institute Geographic National) website to review GPS trackers placed throughout the region of interest. I like geology, but I am no expert. Can any geology anons provide insight into this GPS data (picrel).

It would appear as though the ROI has shifted southwestward to the tune of ~5.6 cm since 12/09/21. Is this magnitude of movement significant?

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No.13642786 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is geography a biggest meme among all fields of science?
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(13 replies)
No.13647880 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Just spent 10 hours over the course of 2 days trying to understand the formal definition of a limit and I still don’t get it.
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(5 replies)
No.13648071 ViewReplyOriginalReport
High school senior and recently I’ve been insecure about my shitty math placement. I’m taking precalc right now so how feasible would it be to work through a basic calc textbook by myself next semester to get at least a 76 on the CLEP, than take calc 2 over the summer so I can do all the advanced shit at uni?
(9 replies)
No.13648040 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>monkey is walking in the desert
>gets attacked by hyena
>kills it
>suddenly starts flashing white periodically
>turns into a human
do you retards actually believe in this shit?
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(8 replies)

Efficient Markets Theory

No.13646705 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How did people believe this? The only consolation for economists/financial theorists is that the people arguing on behalf of this theory were clearly so smart -- people like Eugene Fama or Paul Samuelson, so the rest of the economics community decided that it must true despite a lack of empirical evidence.

The thing is that Robert Shiller and Thaler and Lo are also very smart. Plus they have the benefit of empirical data.

This is a discussion of economic science.
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How to connect 2 skateboards for scrap collecting

No.13647960 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I need like a cart for scrap collection
and I want to put two skateboards together and put something over it that can take up to 250 pounds
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No.13645796 ViewReplyOriginalReport
It's gonna be another Challenger. Right?
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