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Why humans don't need parasite treatment?

No.13648518 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Cats have a schedule for routine treatment of parasites. Dogs have a schedule for routine treatment of parasites. Horses have a schedule for routine treatment of parasites. Cattle have a schedule for routine treatment of parasites. Chickens have a schedule for routine treatment of parasites.

Why humans don't have a routine for it? Why exactly? Only /sci/entific answers, no schizo bullshit.
(26 replies)
No.13641498 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How will /sci/ recover?
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Heart health (vs Vaccine)

No.13648629 ViewReplyOriginalReport
With the push down the covid-vaccine-timeline and knowledge on the most notorious side-effect, Heart inflammations, what can individuals do to increase overall heart health?
If someone happens to have the intel, I'm quite interested in what happens if you contract COVID and/or the vaccine multiple times (is the heart more prone to failure by multiple inflammation, so to speak)

Any recommendations on
A.) papers
B.) significant measurements to watch, such as pulse & blood pressure
C.) general info such as diet, exersice
.. are highly appreciated.
(18 replies)

how do I cope with being a brainlet

No.13644626 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>dad is iq 133+ medical researcher
>mom has excellent procedural memory and is head of nursing at a major hospital. Comes from an aristocratic background in her country and has excellent aesthetic taste

I have a severe learning disability (NVLD, basically the verbal equivalent of autism) and got mostly low Bs, high Cs in easy classes and low Cs and Ds in math and hard sciences. Never did homework because I could never learn things or commit them to memory

Somehow I did okay on the SAT which got me into my state university where I did just as poorly as I did in high school.

How do I go through life flying blind cognitively? I’m an animal that can talk. I barely feel human. Every day the thought of dying crosses my mind. My head is full of superstition and noise
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(22 replies)

NCoV19 vs Vaccine vs Society

No.13644367 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Getting hit by societal banhammer feels bad man. Currently assessing - in my country you have to be 1.) vaccinated 2.) recovered from COVID 3.) be tested on regular basis via PCR 4.) opting out of society
With vaccines being the shadiest, most politicised pharma I've ever seen in my life I'm not fond of them.
Rumours are that unvaccinated people will soon have to pay for their tests which, by current price, is around 800€ per month -
for comparison: Rent is around 400-600€ for shared living, general wage is around 1500 to 2000€ for normie-jobs.
Opting out of society seems as a bad idea in regards to the ongoing "persecution" of unvaxxed.
Thus, I'm playing with the thought of just contracting COVID somewhere.
> How can I approximate the probability of this being the optimal solution?
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(20 replies)
No.13643830 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>*mogs your star*
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The Strange Effects of Cooming

No.13648389 ViewReplyOriginalReport
After I masturbate, I have strange psychological symptoms. It's like my mind's eye is under a strobe light, and everything I try to picture alternates between too small and spindly and too big and bulbous. I can't visualize anything effectively. I don't really know if I've explained it properly, but it's very noticeable. This lasts for maybe a half hour, usually after powerful orgasms.
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(129 replies)

Infinite sum

No.13639336 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
How does this equal -1/12
does the sum glitch or what
if i have infinite apples to count how do i end up with less then 1
124 posts and 10 images omitted
(28 replies)
No.13637807 ViewReplyOriginalReport
how time consuming and stressful is a phd program compared to a job?
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