Threads by latest replies - Page 2623

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No.13649713 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Would I make more money charging someone 50 dollars per week for rent or 200 dollars per month ?
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No.13649694 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What exactly is the most adapted being?

Something highly adapted wouldn't need to change much, right? So are beings that didn't change much in the past billion years (like some unicellular ones) the most adapted?
(15 replies)

Sorry, not sorry

No.13649805 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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How do I get better at mental math?

No.13648441 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Specifically, problems that are in the format of (xx)*(yy)+(abc) for e.g 67*35+667
Currently, it takes me an average of 45 seconds to perform these type of problems in my head. Although, I only end up being right 50% of the time.

Using the example I wrote about, I'll describe the method I use while solving these equations.

First I'll break down 67*35 into 67*30 + 67*5

Then I'll multiply 67*3 by further breaking it down into (60*3)+(7*3) which computes to 201. Then I'll add a 0 at the end making it 2010.
I'll calculate 67*5 by basically halving 67, kind of like 60/2 + 7/2 = 335

I'll then add 335 to 2010 by adding 300 first, then 30, then 5).
Which is 2345.

Finally, I'll add 667 to it by adding 700 to it, then subtracting 33 (which I compute by subtracting the last digit (7) from 10, and the subtracting it's preceding digit (6) from 9.

Now, my questions:

1. Are the some ways that can help me solve these problems faster?

2. How do I fuck up less while solving these types of problems?
(22 replies)
No.13648125 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>black holes
>heat death
>string theory
>quantum computers
>opportunity rover's last words
17 posts and 4 images omitted
(300 replies)

Well /sci/?

No.13623308 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
>Have you taken the jab
Yeah, today
Stopped giving a shit, whatever happens to me will happen to at least a hundred other retards. I'm still wary about something happening in the long term but as long as my cock gets hard when I want it to, it's alright.
295 posts and 29 images omitted
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No.13645947 ViewReplyOriginalReport
why was the plane invented so late
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Covid Stats?

No.13642192 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Guys I'm trying to see the risk of dying from covid by age group. I went it the CDC because that seemed like a reputable source.

I literally cannot interpret this.. have they made it ridiculously confusing and hidden the reference data to hide the rates? Am I a brainlet?
12 posts omitted
(20 replies)
No.13649201 ViewReplyOriginalReport
what are the implications of political science?
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