Threads by latest replies - Page 2618

(55 replies)
No.13648165 ViewReplyOriginalReport
to say the vaccine will kill you for sure is retarded, and to say the vaccine is 100% safe is retarded.

it doesn't matter if you get it or not you are all retarded.
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(14 replies)


No.13644851 ViewReplyOriginalReport
"IQ of 126 with a standard deviation of 6.3"

I don't understand the deviation part, anons
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Personal Respirator

No.13650124 ViewReplyOriginalReport
If absolutely every single person on Earth wore a personal medical grade respirator would we stop the transmission of airborne disease altogether?

The issue with vaccines would disappear. Birth defects and illness from airborne pollution would stop.

We would be able to pollute the air as much as we want!
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(5 replies)
No.13650948 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Any anon working there?
(5 replies)
No.13650906 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I the pfizer vaccine safe for young males?
(31 replies)

Drug discovery pipeline

No.13640706 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How are drugs discovered and synthesized? Some of the compounds are just found in plants or bacteria or animals and then copied, but what about the rest, the fully artificial complex 3D molecules. There could be quadrillions, how anyone decides to make one among all the pssibilities and test for its effects?
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No.13650081 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Anyone know much about McKendree Cylinders?
Are they dumb idea?
I'm interested to know how large buildings would be built on one of these things considering the curvature and gravitational differences
(637 replies)

/sfg/ - Spaceflight General

No.13648180 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Post-launch edition
Previous: >>13643206
632 posts and 172 images omitted
(7 replies)
No.13651245 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Scientifically, why do I suck at everything? People say, "Oh there must be something you're good at!" No, not for me. There is, literally, nothing I am good at. Nothing I have a natural talent with.

I mean, there are animals out there who were born with natural talents, programmed in them, especially after the fact that they were born, in order to survive.

How come animals and other people have these things but uhhh.. I don't?
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(7 replies)
No.13649785 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I love lazy architects. they make the world fun. we need more lazy architects to build more crappy buildings that fall apart because of strong wind gusts.
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