Threads by latest replies - Page 2617

(5 replies)
No.13649524 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is thiomersal harmful ?
I was prescribed eardrops that contain thiomersal. Will this even enter my bloodstream ?
(5 replies)
No.13650776 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why aren't gaba supplements addictive but benzos are?
(5 replies)
No.13651066 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Does anyone have data on average age of death due to covid for some western countries?

I'm from Slovenia and all I could find is the following

>in 2020 there was an excess death of roughly 3,5 thousand more than the average in 2015-2019 (18% increase)
>despite this the average age of death rose by 1,4 years higher than in 2019 for men and 0.8 years higher for women.

>In 2019 the 22,4% of the men and 8,2% of the women died before the age of 65, 16,0 % total
>in 2020 19,4% of the men and 9,8% of the women died before the age of 65 13,7 % total
These numbers are also vastly improved when compared to 2010.

What the fuck is going on exactly? All these excess deaths yet the average age at death is going up and the percentage of those who die under 65 is going down.

All the data is from (government statistical office) the translation is mine.
(317 replies)

/mg/ maths general

No.13617361 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Types of mathematicians edition
Formerly >>13576443
Talk maths.
312 posts and 32 images omitted
(6 replies)
No.13651161 ViewReplyOriginalReport
does anyone else end up doing all the fucking work when put into groups/teams/projects/etc?
1 post omitted
(33 replies)

high IQ

No.13642283 ViewReplyOriginalReport

what a cringe article
"And so we see that the explanation for the Sidis tragedy is simple. Sidis was a feral child; a true man born into a world filled with animals–a world filled with us."
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Nuclear Energy

No.13651048 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Outside of public opinion post-Chernobyl and the nothingburgers of Three Mile Island/Fukushima... are there any genuine arguments that have been made by climate change activists and scientists against nuclear energy? Why is it so rarely-discussed? Even Europe is shutting down their nuclear reactors. Is there any hope left for nuclear energy to be used in the near future?

Open to arguments against nuclear energy too. (This is probably posted a lot but I'm a newfag to this sub so pls don't bully)
(17 replies)

What does the 2nd Cold War mean for /sci/entists?

No.13648659 ViewReplyOriginalReport

Post your tips on funneling military money into a research area completely useless for war

>inb4 not /sci/, even if the war doesn't happen now, it will eventually and it will have a massive impact on /sci/
12 posts and 1 image omitted
(12 replies)
No.13648922 ViewReplyOriginalReport
brainlet here is this true are we doomed as race?
7 posts and 2 images omitted