Threads by latest replies - Page 2613

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No.13653713 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Fucking magnets how do they work?
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Why do only tops of teeth get cavities?

No.13651831 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm sure that there are rare cases where the sides do rot, but as far as I'm aware almost every cavity happens on the tops of the molar teeth. Why is this?
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The Norf

No.13653425 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How are Norfs made? Let's get a psychology thread going, why do Norfs end up the way they do?
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No.13653129 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Feeling like a brainlet lately. College is about to start in 1 week and i barely remember anything i studied my ass for in the first 2 years. Anyone else feels like this after a summer break?
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No.13653508 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Science used to be my religion. Now religion is my science...and my sword.

Change my mind.
(24 replies)

abortionists BTFO

No.13648676 ViewReplyOriginalReport
“The problem of abortion, abortion is more than a problem, abortion is murder. Abortion, without beating about the bush, if you have an abortion, you kill. You take any embryology book that medical school students study, at the third week of conception, many times before the mother knows she is pregnant, there are already all the organs, all, even the DNA."

after the third week of conception there is already DNA, checkmate abortionists
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No.13652322 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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No.13647564 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What's the scientific consensus on global """warming"""?
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No.13651937 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Would these have any effect on the vaccines? I figured since they can pull out a part of poison they could also pull out a part of anything that is injected in you.
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No.13652716 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Covid is our great struggle, Covid is OUR WAR.
In a war doctors and nurses usually stay on the sidelines, tending the wounded, but this time they are the heroes.
I'm not a doctor or a nurse, so I can't be on the frontlines with them, but I'm doing my part, I took the vaccine, this is how I help fight this war, this is my responsibility, my duty, because I am a Stakeholder.
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