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Vaccine and Psoriasis

No.13652047 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What are chances that my psoriasis will flare up like crazy if I take a jab?
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No.13653439 ViewReplyOriginalReport
As I've been saying all along, young people should not take the jew juice. only old people who could die from covid should

we're killing 5 young people for every 1 old person saved by mass injecting.

FDA stamp, DENIED.
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FDA just posted picrel. kek

No.13654374 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Taking the vaccine is magnitudes more risky than covid itself. How do you faggots who preach the vaxx religion feel today?
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No.13649611 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What are the odds the average first worlder is free of intestinal parasites? Although we have a very low probability of catching them on a given day, we also take no measures to remove them by e.g. taking a dose of ivermectin once a year (as they do elsewhere). It seems likely to me that I would have some kind of worms just based on this probabilistic argument. But like anything with probabilities and counterfactuals it’s hard to be confident without good data first
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EEG antennas

No.13654324 ViewReplyOriginalReport
consciousness has been reverse-engineered.
it can be recorded and transmitted remotely.
the EEG antennas have been connected to a supercomputer with AI.
this supercomputer will run "scripts" that directly override consciousness.

this technology has been firmly documented by ex-cia scientist robert duncan.
it's called synthetic telepathy, voice of god weapon, cybernetic hivemind, and mkultra.

it is the exact technology used on kyle odom.

here is the robert duncan video:

here is the log of the odom script:

here is an FCC document with details of the technology:

here is a video from china demonstrating the effects of the technology:

this is also the cause of havana syndrome:
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No.13654278 ViewReplyOriginalReport
you are here
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No.13654238 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>"Even if the vaccines had 100% protection it still means we kill 2 people to save 1 life"
>"About 411 deaths per million doses"
>"150 thousand people have died"
This is straight from the FDA. Tell me you aren't in favor of vaccine mandates, you murderers?
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holy based

No.13654123 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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