Threads by latest replies - Page 2608

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No.13654265 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is there a timeline that exists out there where flight was never achieved, but spaceflight was?
Asking for a friend.
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No.13653981 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Could the delayed choice arm of the delayed-choice quantum eraser experiment be made miles long?

Like could we gather the interference or dot pattern from D0 while the cousin photons were still in transit through the rest of the system, and alter whether or not they are detected to be the opposite of D0 and "break" quantum mechanics?
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No.13654611 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Are bottoms women?
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No.13654554 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Can science explain fainting goats? What's the evolutionary purpose?
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No.13651763 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I start my Calculus 1 class in 6 days. I am going back to university and I haven't taken a math class in seven years so I don't remember anything. I cheated on the placement test so I was still allowed in.
How do I learn the necessary algebra, trig, precalculus knowledge in six days?
Please provide resources. Thank you
6 posts and 1 image omitted
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No.13654544 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>tfw just realized my parents are not virgins
fucking sluts artificial insemination should've been the standard in the 90s
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No.13654498 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I’m taking a Calculus class as a junior because it’s required for my major (biology) and I have absolutely no clue about anything the professor is talking about. I haven’t taken a math class since high school and I feel so far behind it’s insane, does anyone have any tips for how to catch up or at least keep my grade out of the sewer?
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No.13653868 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Scientifically speaking, how do general anesthetics work? Why inhaling funny chemicals either makes you sleepy or kills you?
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No.13654410 ViewReplyOriginalReport
The FDA panel knows, the (((vaccine))) is killing people.

The image is VAERS/deaths plotted against time in years.

>that means it's working!
1 post omitted