Threads by latest replies - Page 147

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No.14393678 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is the state of these individuals' consciousnesses?
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No.14391034 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello Anons. I was recently employed in my university's innovation bureau, and we are on a project to improvise a lighting system for the ships.We will create a system that will take the light from the sky and determine its color. Afterwards the system will change the color of the ship's lightings to make sure that its visible in every situation. Therefore:
-I have to learn to use spectrophotometers (Ocean optics spectrophotometers like picrel), Luxmeters and powermeters
-I have to learn how to calculate a light whoose wavelenght is between 200nm-1000nm.
I already looked at youtube and I was able to learn the fundamentals, but I don't know everything yet. Can you tell me anything of importance that I should know?
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(12 replies)
No.14393159 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why did those sex education videos in 1990s britian always only show boys naked? When explaining female puberty the girls always stayed dressed
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comfy /sci/ related movies

No.14392907 ViewReplyOriginalReport
which math and science related movies give you comfy and nostalgia vibes?
(43 replies)

Is this true?

No.14380766 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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No.14383746 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
post your solutions
52 posts and 14 images omitted
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No.14386308 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Science autists are always about optimizing so maybe you guys can help me. I'm curious if anyone has figured out a way to get rid of ADHD and actually sit down to start productive tasks without having to use brain frying meds? Here is a list of things I have tried none of which have worked

To do lists (various kinds, short, long, one item)
Alarms, timers (of various kinds pomodoro etc)
Meditation (of various kinds mindfulness, guided, creative visualization, mantra, etc)
Exercise (variations from weightlifting, cardio, HIIT)
Locking away all electronics in a timed lock box for periods from 5 hours to 5 weeks
Giving someone my router
Wearing a watch that shocks you if you don't stand up and do jumping jacks
22 different Nootropics
Changing diet in various ways
Listening to white noise or music
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(5 replies)
No.14393140 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Still interested in doing a master's degree in Mathematics instead of a PhD. I could move in with my parents and post my papers on a blog. Would make things way more easier.
(8 replies)
No.14392588 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Apart from this Ka??da might have already presented the same laws of motion attributed to Newton, as part of the Vai?e?ika Sutras.

>???? ?????????????? ?????? ?????? ???? ??????????????? ?????? ????? ??????? ?????????????????? ???? ?????????????????

>Meaning, action on objects generates motion. The external action being direction causes the motion to be directional. An equal and opposite action can neutralize the motion.
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