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No.14392593 ViewReplyOriginalReport
After how many times that you have repeated a class you should realize that the major is not for you and you should switch or quit? I've learned there are people who have failed Calculus 1 over 7 times. Are they genuinely retarded? I mean, not even because Calculus is an easy subject, but because they can't see that if you fail a class that many times you probably shouldn't keep trying and do something else instead.
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No.14392728 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>most 4chan users are neets
>neets have higher rates of mental illness
>schizos are disposed to posting more
Scientifically speaking, what is the estimated rate of 4chan posts made by clinically diagnosed schizophrenics?
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No.14393296 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Nutrition “science” is pseudoscience most of the time because its experiments are not controllable. The superplethora of confounding variables in the human body (let alone across multiple bodies) make it impossible to satisfy the scientific method.
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No.14392419 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I proved CH to myself yesterday. Then I realized that I can solve the whole list this summer!!! Wooh!
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No.14393074 ViewReplyOriginalReport
A mapping of Japan and Chernobyl's pornographic tendencies suggests radiation causes people to crave hentai. It is reasonable to suggest Marie Curie would have gone apeshit for some Yaoi
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No.14393021 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>majority of billionaires have STEM masters degrees over phds

Is it scientifically possible for masters graduates to "beat"/mog phd grads...?

since a STEM MSc means more life time earnings and higher chance of HNW/billionaire does that mean you should get an M.Sc. and then not a Phd?

Also can Stem masters holders "scientifically mog" phd grads....? higher citations, higher academic rank, higher publications/h index?
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No.14391062 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Couldnt find this book anywhere
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No.14389836 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
what exactly 'is' magnetic flux ?
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No.14392117 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Does anyone here do research on feline communcation? Whenever I'm stressed I google things like "biggest meow recorded" or "typical purr frequency" if you could share your research so I have more to dig into I'd appreciate the distraction