Threads by latest replies - Page 142

(89 replies)
No.14388326 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Gauss, Riemann and Euler to be canceled. Finally as a person of color I can feel safe in my math class.
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The time has come to refresh the tree of liberty with the blood of tyrants and patriots

No.14393816 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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(65 replies)
No.14383071 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
How strong is the correlation between iq and chess ability? Why is learning at a young age so important? How could brain plasticity matter so much for chess but people can get their math phd's in their 40s and beyond?
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(6 replies)
No.14394085 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Who was in the wrong here?
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(21 replies)
No.14393198 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>mild flu unless you're obese, diabetic, or some other kind of dysgenic fuck
Explain to me how letting covid run its course isn't a net positive for humanity.
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(105 replies)
No.14387697 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Mathematician/physicist DESTROYS Ben Shapiro in campus science debate
Skip to 34:45 for the good part
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(19 replies)
No.14391912 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How come that me and my brother are totally different despite having the same parents? My brother is tall, has brown skin, overweight, is conservative, curly hair, extroverted and works in finance while I am of average height, pale, underweight, have straight hair, liberal, work as a musician and am introverted?

We both are our parents kids, we actually were tested, so it's not that. Is it just recessive genes and nurture?
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(167 replies)

Gravity is a pushing force

No.14389088 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
Special relativity is just Doppler shift. General relativity is refraction.

Cosmic redshift is caused by photons accelerating (increasing their wavelengths, but not their frequency) toward us as they travel over interstellar distances. As their wavelengths increase, they become much more penetrating to ordinary matter and eventually become the "ultramundane corpuscles" that Le Sage theorized must be responsible for gravity. The high velocity of these long-wave photons explains why gravitational interactions are highly superluminal.

The deceleration of small objects in free space is given by dc/dt = 1/4c (I can explain the appearance of a mismatch in units if anyone is interested). This is the drag force that Le Sage gravity predicts, as confirmed by the Pioneer anomalous deceleration (anyone can confirm these numbers match). Photons react to drag forces by increasing their wavelengths (as demonstrated by gravitational redshift), so like water flowing through a narrowing pipe, they speed up.

The Pioneer drag force relates to Hubble's constant as follows: H = v/d = v/ct = (1/c)dc/dt = 1/4c^2.

And Newton's gravitational constant G is given by (1/4pi)(1/4c).

Le Sage gravity also requires celestial bodies to continuously absorb photons--it doesn't work if the photons are merely reflected or scattered. Thus, we expect every celestial body to increase in mass and expand over time.

If you look into the expanding Earth theory, there is an overwhelming amount of geophysical evidence supporting it (look for James Maxlow's talk). There's also a significant amount of astronomical evidence supporting Van Flandern's exploding planet hypothesis (expanding planets provide the mechanism for exploding planets).
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No.14392284 ViewReplyOriginalReport
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