Threads by latest replies - Page 140

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No.14395215 ViewReplyOriginalReport
there is a case for ludditism somewhere in that mug.
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/sfg/ - Spaceflight General

No.14395255 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Mediocre TED Talk Edition
Previous: >>14391448

Upcoming launches:
15th April
>Long March 3B | ChinaSat 6D
>Falcon 9 Block 5 | NROL-85
>Long March 4C | Unknown Payload
21st April
>Falcon 9 Block 5 | Starlink Group 4-14
22nd April
>Electron | There And Back Again
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No.14391589 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Anyone have any good research papers or journal recommendations for trading strategies?
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No.14393138 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Will we ever solve physics & chemistry? Will we ever have a "theory of everything"? A mathematical equation that explains all the laws and properties of the natural world.
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(139 replies)

I heard something weird from a very rich man

No.14388499 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
He dropped out on 4th grade (of middle school), he rents 1000 to 3000 apartments in the biggest region in my country.

He said if you graduated (no matter what university you're from or what undergraduate proram you did) you will never have as much success as someone who did not go to college at all or at least didn't graduate.

That's because, for some reason, he says college graduates can't see things like non-graduates (for the lack of a better term) can see, he said if you went to college you restrained your mind, that something inside your mind was locked which would still be unlocked if you didn't graduate. That "locked thing" makes you only capable of achieving a certain point of success, but never past it, he said.

What could that locked thing be?
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(113 replies)
No.14389269 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
is this real-time oxygen generation from a leaf or just a leaf leaking on being cut open?
108 posts and 39 images omitted
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No.14394692 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What's a good way to remember the way this is multiplied? Picrelated. Could someone explain the proof behind this? Ty
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I know how to create AGI

No.14392464 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I have never written the information in any medium so far too because I know the government could steal that information.

How should I proced? Release the code for everyone as free software? Run the AI and let it do whatever it wants on the internet? Sell the code for State-level agents?
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