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learning cpp this works on my instructors screen but not mine

No.14395650 ViewReplyOriginalReport
why does this work on their screen but not mine? we are both using codeblocks
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(7 replies)

What the fuck is the point of strong genetic variances anyways?

No.14393626 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I can understand why any species may have its members have different traits as they migrate to different habitats but what’s the point in swapping traits and not just keeping them all at once?

After all why must a species constantly change its genetic structure that forms the codes for how proteins must be assembled instead of just adding on new features to itself overtime with each generation gaining mass overtime up until it cannot get better developed without evolution?
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(5 replies)

/zzz/ - Sleep and sleep deprivation general

No.14395860 ViewReplyOriginalReport
No drugs, no alcohol, celibate, exercise frequently both lift and cardio, and was tested for a quarter of a day with g test and apparently I beat 99.6% at it. My greatest vice is sleep deprivation. First time I stayed up late was 4 years old, the first all-nighter I pulled was 8 years old. And at 14->15 I slept 3 hours a night for half a year, like really messy insane fucked up sleep schedule. The g test was in the middle of this all.

My question to you is this:
what effect would lifelong 4->20 sleep deprivation have on me, with all other lifestyle quite healthy?
(26 replies)
No.14390103 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>been smoking pot since I was 14
>30 now
Am I fucked? In highschool I took 3 "proper" IQ test over the course of 4 years and I got [144,141,142]

Can I still technically get sober, go to school, get a bsc+msc, in math+cs and get a 6-7 figure tech job by the time im in my 40's

Asking in regards to both the 15 years of pot smoking during my developmental years, and also if the meme is true that teenagers have a much much much more crystal/fluid brain than people post 30, and if its thats true if its even worth trying to compete
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(10 replies)

[Leibniz & Newton]

No.14393225 ViewReplyOriginalReport
They were literally the light Yagami and L of their time
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(13 replies)

Consensus science says Elon buying twitter is bad

No.14395572 ViewReplyOriginalReport
This is science. Consensus science has spoken.

You aren't against science, are you?
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(24 replies)
No.14395329 ViewReplyOriginalReport
How natural selection works in hunter-gatherer societies?
The most skilled hunters fucks more?
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(209 replies)
No.14384808 ViewReplyLast 50OriginalReport
What's you favorite thing about Science?
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(18 replies)


No.14390881 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why do people like to rate their intellectual capabilities based on solving elementary school puzzles ?
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(23 replies)
No.14391721 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Foregen is a company that is developing a regenerative therapy to regrow the foreskin of circumcised men.
The human clinical trials will start in less than a year.
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