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Anonymous (5 replies)
Will they cure HIV with CRISPR? Asking for a friend
Kill all transhumanists enemies of humanity
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>>14395515 schizos should not be allowed in public spaces
our ancestors had it right when they made them village idiots and threw stones at them
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>>14395513 >Asking for a friend Who cares? Your faggot friend is going to burn in hell for all of eternity regardless
Anonymous (43 replies)
Just 20 years before it first flew , people were dying trying to reach those speeds in a g-suit.
Yeah , it was expensive but as every new technology. You would get inside, reach your seat, steward came in : *sir, you want a glass of champagne?* , of course you would say yes , and also ask for that filet mignon with strawberry sauce that you saw on the menu. Chillin' at mach 2 , 17 km up in the sky .
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>>14392773 >scientific progress does not always translate to a higher quality of life so why are the people who want a higher quality of life forced at gunpoint to pay for the scientists' sandbox games instead of being allowed to hold on to their own resources if the scientists aren't working to improve their quality of life?
is science just a fancy word at the effete upper crusty university crowd uses in lieu of robbery?
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>>14391704 >reading comprehension Burger education
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>>14390276 >T-38 no dumb dumb, they could hit the speed of sound in a dive but they suffered from severe buffeting until they figured it out
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>>14389567 >If you're in a sealed box with no windows (and some champagne I guess), it's literally physically impossible to determine your speed Incorrect, you use the perceived passage of time using a couple of clocks to tell you're speed
Anonymous (5 replies)
papers require you to know what the fuck you're talking about before saying shit but apparently the guardian thinks you should be able to say random stupid shit without repercussions
Anonymous (23 replies)
Why have children been hitting puberty earlier over these past few recent generations? Especially females, they seem to be the most affected.
>>14393515 thats weird, do I have to have a jewish doctor for them to measure my pubes? Or does "growth gauging" only happen at the very few catholic hospitals? that might skew the results
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>>14393048 >90% red meat diet is healthiest Lol
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>>14393867 It's growth metrics that measure a child's weight and height, and they ask further questions about signs of puberty when you go in office. It is asked about and noted within the chart. No one is taking a ruler out to gauge the growth of pubic hair. Have you never visited a pediatrician? This is standard cut and dry procedure for check-ups. Hopefully you've been added to a sex offender list.
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>>14392933 Mercury and lead are needed for regulating hormones.
Anonymous (27 replies)
>working on my Master's in Genetics, professor makes us attend a webinar for pathway analysis software and ask three questions
>I mention an article I saw saying that out of 4000 articles surveyed in 2015, 67% used outdated free alternatives that only had 30% of the data available and ask how much an organization could expect to pay for a license
>I'm told a university would have to pay $32,000 and immediately realize why Minnesota said "fuck that"
Why does science have to be so damn expensive? I'm no libtard but we shouldn't have to pay the equivalent of a used car just to image some agarose, this is the main reason why transhumanism hasn't taken off yet.
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Just make your own software OP
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>>14393653 It's just what happens to organizations of all stripes. Government included. I believe it's age thing and precisely why you see organizations like governments implode after a center point.
No one ever guts an organization unless it is dead or being destroyed.
>>14393361 why does he have a bandaid on his neck?
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>>14393361 > free market > licence issued by the state op is a retarded homosexual, as all the commies
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>>14395970 It's an edit of the original where some faggot beats him up and he turns into a commie after seeing the hospital bill
Anonymous (37 replies)
Don't know about you guys, but I knew I lost when I was asked:
>If I were to ask your best friend to tell me something (that one little thing) that you always fail at, what would it be?
I answered with I don't know, because explaning that I have no friends wouldve been worse.
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>>14391979 getting an A on uni exams because I always started studying at the last possible moment
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>>14391979 >best friend I don't have friends.
>>14391979 >I have a shite verbal IQ Nigga, just Google these kind of questions, make it up bro, like, wtf they gonna do, ask your bff? Is this bait? Volunteer at some charity organisation to get a reference or something.
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>>14392366 My 10,000 hours practice at getting shit done
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>>14396001 Breaking news, monkey man anon gets mad on the Chan and calls a thread bait
Anonymous (5 replies)
Pic rel.
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>>14396028 She wants a simp and that's what you are so qed
Anonymous (5 replies)
schizophrenic numbers are numbers whose square roots "look" like rational numbers.
defined by
So they start 1,12,123,1234… and larger schizophrenic numbers look like 12345679012345679012…
The interesting thing about schizophrenic numbers is that the square root of the odd ones display long runs in their decimal representation.
but that doesn't explain the bizarre pattern shown. I was wondering if anyone has or could point me to an explanation.
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>>14395997 i find it extremely fitting that a post about schizophrenic numbers uses an image of numbers that is so low resolution it's practically illegible
Anonymous (10 replies)
if quantum mechanics is bullshit, explain this using the classical model NOW
>>14394393 First, explain how physicists can verify that only one photon at a time is moving through the apparatus. After you realize that they can't and the entire thing is sensationalized bullshit, pour yourself a drink and find a more productive hobby.
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>>14395263 I cant imagine what it must be like to be this retarded
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They are just small enough that the act of photons interacting with them changes their trajectory
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>>14395263 They can count the number of photons left in the device and confirm that exactly one fired
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>>14394393 Quantum mechanics is classical mechanics extrapolated to a large-N, extremely-low-energy system where there's so much interaction that the system becomes nonlinear to the point of being probabilistic
Anonymous (6 replies)
>I am forgotten
its broken isnt it. why dont they just tell us and stop pretending?
NASA lie about failed Mars missions and the Webb is their biggest whopper yet.
Never A Straight Answer
>>14395309 They make regular announcements on what they are doing on twitter. Yesterday they announced that MIRI was cooled down to 6K, it's operating temperature. This required the operation of Northrup Grumman's cryopump, which was a major source of delays: See where is webb for updates too: Final correction is in progress, please enjoy this gif of the kepler telescope ejaculating exoplanets while you wait: Anonymous
>>14395394 >>14395399 >all these bad graphics uh, how about some evidence?
El Arcón
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>>14395422 just shut up and trust the science goy