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Anonymous (5 replies)
Is Novavax actually safer than the other vaccines? It isn't mRNA or adenovirus so there isn't a reason to believe it will cause VITT or myocarditis. Is there something I am missing here or is it actually safe?
Please keep this to the novavax specifically instead of talking about "all vaccines are poison" or something like that.
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>>14396446 nova = new = untested = not safe
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>>14396446 The dose of spike proteins is easier to control since it's not relying on our own cells, but the spike proteins can still do some damage. Issues of safety aside, I wouldn't expect great efficacy against current variants.
Anonymous (28 replies)
Checkmate is imminent on the basedantists. You would think that unifying physics in fucking excel (kek) would have been enough to prove how f&g they are (& it was), but we won't stop until their entire fake religious bullshit slavesystem posing as science is dismantled. Soon! Stay with us! Mass awakening imminent!
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>>14393691 it's spelled "lens"
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>>14393179 The models predicted The Pandemic.
The scribes were warning us, but nobody listened.
We need to do better.
>>14393691 I'm glad you understand, but we all have our own way of appreciating The Science.
It works in mysterious ways.
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>>14390147 as soon as what shit dropped? what happened?
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Can I get a discount on an optimum institute membership Gary?
Anonymous (5 replies)
We fucking lost to climate change. Who's fault is it? And how are you all spending the last 10 years of normality?
Anonymous (24 replies)
Is anyone here a dual major in physics and math?
I need some help with researching gender dysphoria and genetics. If any dual majors can help me that would be great. Firstly, I want to know about the SRY-gene, some genetics books and overall guidance would be appreciated.
>>14396592 You're just mad at black excellence he's an nsf scholar and math physics double major
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>>14396550 He didn't explain why he was wearing a wife beater.
>>14396593 If that's what "black excellence" looks like nowadays, I don't even want to see what black mediocrity looks like.
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>>14396608 You can't even get your wife wet bro
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>>14396452 4chan is a heavily censored, aggressively moderated, government propaganda distribution website thinly disguised as an anything-goes imageboard.
Anonymous (6 replies)
Simply put, fucked two years of my high school (sophomore and freshman). How much of a chance do I have getting a mathematics degree and physics degree if I tryharded the last two years in hope of this?
>>14396565 when i say fucked, i mean i had a 1.4 gpa...
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>>14396590 Just be realistic. High school doesn't really matter at all when it comes to job market. Your GPA doesn't follow you into college. You can get Bs and Cs for the next two years and get into a community college for two years before you transfer. I was kicked out of my first university because I spent all my time being a druggie, I had sub 1.5 GPA after three semesters. I got my shit together and went the community college transfer route and ended up with a BS and decent job. Be realistic though, you struggle in high school you prob don't have the work ethic for a double major.
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>>14396559 Idk about the US, but in Canada schools only look at Grade 11 and 12 marks, so you’re probably fine.
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>>14396559 Holy fucking shit you fucking faggot
Just study like what your teachers since fucking preschool kept fucking telling you fucking apeshit. I’ve seen literal retards not the “oh they’re so much dumber than me” retards I mean actual clinically diagnosed retards on fucking wheel chairs make it and excel in uni
If your failing hs of all things your not fucking trying it’s that fucking simple. Now maintaining grades of high 90s and fucking up that’s understandable
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>>14396559 are you a faggot, nigger, spic or woman? if so then u can still go to school as much as you want wherever
Anonymous (7 replies)
I need a freeware app or just advice on how to let the computer (Mac OS) scroll for me so I can read my textbook pdf HANDS FREE. Please it would help me out so much
>>14396200 Press the middle mouse button on what you want to scroll, then move the mouse up/down to adjust the speed.
>>14396254 Don't think macs have a scroll wheel.
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>>14396263 Oh, it's Mac. In that case you'd need the Smart Sroll app in order to do that. It's only $14.
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>>14396200 use your feet. toe over the down arrow
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>>14396200 autohotkey is like duct tape for solving stuff like this.
Anonymous (5 replies)
All of the other untestable theories are pretty much just intellectual masturbation.
>>14395125 >real science What is it about physics and math that attract the most pseudo intellectuals and narcissists on the planet? Compared to biology and chemistry or soft sciences like economics math and physics are honestly pretty simplistic to be worth being an egotistical faggot over
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>>14395189 they just haven't been targeted by philosophy of science yet
give it time.
they've already struck string theory.
cosmology is next.
Anonymous (8 replies)
Math is the backbone of all STEM fields. If you know math then you can solve any problem if given the right formula. Nearly Every problem I've done for my physics major has just been a wordy math problem, so Is there any reason to not switch to a math major?
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>>14394549 ok go do a brain surgery retard
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>>14393912 >so Is there any reason to not switch to a math major? you will meet more interesting and smarter people in physics. in math you get more finance type people who judt want to count coins. on the other hand there are more girls who do math, and they are hotter and better socially adjusted than physics girls.
>>14393912 >File: B8FFD38B-9196-42BC-9B1E-D(...).jpg (4 KB, 142x119) Post the full image instead of thumbnail please
>>14396192 Is this better anon?
Anonymous (8 replies)
Why would we evolve something like boredom?
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>>14395603 What a retard-tier take. Boredom is a low-consciousness thing.
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>>14395544 >he thinks evolution is real kek
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I would guess it's because one that has some drive to seek out interesting things would learn more and be more effective in hunting/gathering/safety.
>>14395544 Stacking pebbles for 15 hours a day might not be conducive to eating or fucking.
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>>14396373 i think i would enjoy stacking pebbles for 15 hours
>>14395544 restlessness is useful for long term survival and happens to also be useful for building societies and improving them - "boredom" is just the innate curiosity of sapient consciousness encountering dissatisfaction
Anonymous (8 replies)
What is the science behind postnut clarity?
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>>14394347 Pre-frontal cortex.
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>>14394262 It's similar to the afterglow effect that occurs after the end of an LSD trip. Your brain is refreshed after experiencing a moment of intense stimulation
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>>14394262 Satiation of a motivational system. That's literally it. You don't continue to sleep after your rested, eat after you're full, or drink when you're hydrated unless you have a mental disorder
>>14394342 That you can fit more of something into a place if you fold it a bunch of times
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>>14394262 Same science behind why exercise or even going for a walk can make you think clearly.
Probably has to do with oxygen levels and heart rate.
>>14394623 This