Threads by latest replies - Page 136

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No.14396446 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is Novavax actually safer than the other vaccines? It isn't mRNA or adenovirus so there isn't a reason to believe it will cause VITT or myocarditis. Is there something I am missing here or is it actually safe?

Please keep this to the novavax specifically instead of talking about "all vaccines are poison" or something like that.
(28 replies)

We are approaching a golden age of science boys! Stay with us!

No.14390121 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Checkmate is imminent on the basedantists. You would think that unifying physics in fucking excel (kek) would have been enough to prove how f&g they are (& it was), but we won't stop until their entire fake religious bullshit slavesystem posing as science is dismantled. Soon! Stay with us! Mass awakening imminent!
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DSM-V psychology

No.14392452 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Is anyone here a dual major in physics and math?

I need some help with researching gender dysphoria and genetics. If any dual majors can help me that would be great. Firstly, I want to know about the SRY-gene, some genetics books and overall guidance would be appreciated.
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Hi /sci/

No.14396559 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Simply put, fucked two years of my high school (sophomore and freshman). How much of a chance do I have getting a mathematics degree and physics degree if I tryharded the last two years in hope of this?
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Please help

No.14396200 ViewReplyOriginalReport
I need a freeware app or just advice on how to let the computer (Mac OS) scroll for me so I can read my textbook pdf HANDS FREE. Please it would help me out so much
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So Particle Physics Is Where Real Science Is Done

No.14395125 ViewReplyOriginalReport
All of the other untestable theories are pretty much just intellectual masturbation.
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No.14393912 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Math is the backbone of all STEM fields. If you know math then you can solve any problem if given the right formula. Nearly Every problem I've done for my physics major has just been a wordy math problem, so Is there any reason to not switch to a math major?
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No.14395544 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why would we evolve something like boredom?
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No.14394262 ViewReplyOriginalReport
What is the science behind postnut clarity?
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